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Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
2007 Issue 1
Preparation of Rutile Titania Nanoparticles at Low Temperature
Study on Giant Magneto-Impedance Effect in Ni80Fe20 Composite Multilayers
SONG Zi-cheng;YUAN Wang-zhi;ZHAO Zhen-jie;RUAN Jian-zhong;YANG Xie-long
Mechanism of Interface Reaction and Magnetic Properties of Fe-TiN Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling
ZHOU Xiong-tu;JIANG Dong-mei;MA Xue-ming;SHI Wang-zhou
Influence of Metallic Core Diameter on Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect for Fe-based Nanocrystalline Microwires
ZHANG Jun-che;LIU Long-ping;ZHAO Zhen-jie;YANG Xie-long;WANG Qing-jiang
Analysis and Improvement of SVD-Based Image Watermarking Algorithm
LI Bin;WANG Xin-wei
Simulation Model for the Order-Inventory-Sale Policy of a Kind of Merchandise
DAI Shu-gui;JIANG Chang-hua;PAN Yin-rong;HU You-hua
Method on Structure-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction
XU Yang;ZHANG Xue-dong
Online Expressions of Scientific Formula
YE Chang-qing;WANG Zhen-xing
Upper Bound for Renewal Risk Model with Stochastic Investment Return
XU Lin;WANG Rong-ming;YAO Ding-jun
New Definitions of Partial Ordering of Generalized Inverse
HUANG Xuan-chen;WEI Mu-sheng
Eigenvalue Problems for Second-order Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
GENG Feng-jie;ZHU De-ming
Image and Simple Form of a Derivation on a Banach Algebra
LIU Jun-Ping
Robustness of GLSE
LIU Xiang-rong;WANG Jing-long
Number of 0-1 Triangles in Edge-Coloring of Complete Graphs
Choice Number of Some Complete Multi-partite Graphs
XU Yang
Stability Criterion for Nonlinear Time-Varying Discrete-time Systems
YU Su-juan;WANG Zhi-ming