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Nuclear Power Engineering
2011 Issue 3
Finite Element Simulation for Equivalent Elastic Properties of Dispersion Fuel Elements
JIANG xin;DING Shu-rong;HUO Yong-zhong
An Arithmetic for Core Physics Real-time Simulation Based on ADI
DING Xiao-chuan;LU Hai-jin;ZHAO Qiang
Simulation on In-Containment Source Term and Virtual Accident Scene of Large-Break LOCA
XIAO Hong-guang;ZHU Bo;ZHANG Fan
Study on Homemade Alloy used in SG U-Tubes of AP1000
LU Hua-xing
Condensing Behavior of a Freon Bubble with MPS-MAFL
LANG Ming-gang
In Situ Measurement of Neutron Multiplication in Active Zone Components of Pole Shaped Critical Assembly
JIN Yu;LI Mao-hui;QIU Dong;YANG Cheng-de;ZHOU Jing
Stability of Cracked Cantilevered Pipes Conveying Fluid
CAI Feng-chun;ZANG Feng-gang;YE Xian-hui
Experimental Study on Friction Pressure Drop Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Pulse Flow Pole Point
JIA Hui;TAN Si-chao;GAO Pu-zhen;YAN Chang-qi;HUANG Yan-ping
Corrosion Products and Formation Mechanism of Hastelloy C-276 Alloy in Supercritical Water at 600℃
LI Hai-feng;FAN Hong-yuan;ZHANG Qiang;QIU Shao-yu;WANG Jun
CFD Method Research on Characteristic Cells in Rod Bundle Fuel Assembly
CHEN Jie;CHEN Bing-de;ZHANG Hong
Investigation on Characteristics of Bubble Growth and Effect of System Pressure on Bubble Growth
CHEN De-qi;PAN Liang-ming;YUAN De-wen;HUANG Yan-ping
Code Research on Mass Flux Assignment of Spuercritical Water-Cooled Reactor
LI Zhen-yang;ZHOU Tao;SUN Can-hui
Experiment of Density Wave Oscillation in Parallel Rectangular Channels
ZHOU Yuan;YAN Xiao;WANG Yan-lin;LU Dong-hua
Effect of Heaving on Forces Acting on Bubbles in Heating Surface
HONG Gang;YANG Yan-hua;LIU Xiang-feng;YAN Xiao;HUANG Yan-pin;CHEN Bing-de
Effect of He on 12Cr-ODS Ferritic Steel Structural Damage during (He++e-) Dual-Beam Irradiation
HU Ben-fu;GUO Li-na;JIA Cheng-chang;YANG Zhan-bing;H.Rinoshita;H.Takahashi;S.Watanabe
Effect of Long-Term Aging on Electrochemical Corrosive Behavior of 17-4PH Stainless Steel
PENG Yan-hua;WANG Jun;ZOU Hong;SHEN Bao-luo
Optimal Design of Condenser Weight
ZHENG Jing;YAN Chang-qi;WANG Jian-jun
A Case Diagnose of Loose Part for MCP Blade in TNPS Unit 1
LI Ru-yuan;YANG Zhang;ZHOU Zheng-ping
An Investigation of Bubble Slipping Characteristics of Subcooled Flow Boiling in Narrow Rectangular Channel
YUAN De-wen;PAN Liang-ming;WEI Jing-hua;HUANG Yan-ping
Analysis of Effect of Late Water Injection on RCS Repressurization
TAO Jun;CAO Xue-wu
Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in Cooling Tower of Passive Residual Heat Removal System of HTGR
LI Xiao-wei;ZHANG Li;WU Xin-xin;HE Shu-yan
Assessment of In-Vessel Corium Retention in CPR1000
CHEN Xing;ZHANG Shi-shun;LIN Ji-ming