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Nuclear Power Engineering
1987 Issue 6
Prototype Test of the Control Rod Drive Mechanism Used in Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
Gao Jiyun;Lu Xingxian;Li Yunli;Hu Zhenxiao;Zhu Longxing
Protective Coating for the Facilities in a PWR Containment
Wang Yuehua
Determination of Trace Boron in Nuclear Materials
Wang Xunyin;Ni Zhiyong
A New Universal Formula of Neutron Multiplication With Delayed Neutron
Wang Ziyi;Zhu Longxin;Zhang Dafa
Experiment for the Void Fraction Calibration of a Υ-ray Densitometer Using Two-component-fluid
Lei Zuzhi;Wang Shaotang;Zhu Dingsheng;Jing Liangfu
Ultrasonic Testing for Nonbonding of UAIx Plate Fuel Elements
Jing Lirong;Liu Zujiang
tan he dian zhan yong fa
wang bao qing ; zhang ju rong ;