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East China Economic Management
2009 Issue 6
Analysis on Rural Surplus Labor in Jiangxi Province
WANG Xiu-zhi;LIU Shun-bo
Japanses Traditional Culture on the Impact of Corporate Governance
ZUOTENG Xiao-hong
China's Inter-regional Virtual Water Trade in Forward-looking Thinking
ZHOU Jiao;SHI An-na
Based on the Social Capital of China Undertake Service Outsourcing Research
REN Li-cheng;WANG Kan-liang
Governance Structure of Rural Infrastructure Options——From Three Scale Facility Analysis
CHAI Ying;WANG Shu-chun;LIU Xue-min
Study on Self-Decision in Public Goods of Village Community
CHAI Hong-hui;JIN Hong-tao
The New Rural Cooperative Medical Research Basic Model Innovation
MO Xiu-rong;JIANG Yong-mu
Ownership Structure, Free Cash Flow and SEO Performance
HUANG Ben-duo;GAN Sheng-dao
Research on Strategic Alliance of International and Native Management Consultation Companies
HU Jiang-feng;SHI Hong;WANG Bo-min
Research on the Structure of Financial Capital, Value and Element Capital
LIU Guang-zhu;LUO Fu-kai
On Debates of Comparative Advantage Theory and Policy Application
WANG Nuo-bei;DUAN Yuan
Under the Chinese Background the Silence Behavior of Employees of the Cultural Roots
YAO Sheng-juan;DENG Ya-nan;ZHENG Jun-hu
China's Pharmaceutical Industry R&D Human Resources Development Study
YANG Yi-cheng;DU Gang
A Study on Incentive Contracts of Government to Business Incubator Managers
WU Wen-qing;ZHAO Li-ming;XIE Fei
Based on the FAHP Entry Mode Selection of Overseas Markets
YAO Jian-feng;ZOU Ping