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East China Economic Management
2007 Issue 2
Study of Assets Structure and Firm Performance for Listed Agriculture Companies
WANG Huai-ming;YAN Xin-feng
Economy Development and Social Welfare: from Conflict to Integration
LAI Chun-hua;ZUO Ting
Analysis of Present Development of Real Estate in Shanghai
DING Hua-jun
Analysis of the Real Estate Market's Price Games
ZHANG Qiang-wei;XU Jian
The Harmonious Marketing Tetralogy of Real Estate Enterprises
XIE Yu;XIE Si-xin
Analysis of Electronic Money Supply
MEN Hong-liang
The Credit Crisis in C2C Electronic Commerce Model
ZHU Yan;DING Zhi-qiang;ZHU Yong-xin
The Study of Order's Forecast Based on Neural Network
HUA Xiao-hui;YAN Xiu-xia
Analysis on Usage Efficiency of SEO Fund of Listed Company
WEI Qi;ZENG Sheng;ZHOU Hou-hong
Research on Mechanism Construction of MBO Implement
SHI Chun-lai
Fair Value and its Implement in the New Financial Accounting Standard
XU Fang;WU Guang-lei
Working Melt Fuzzlly with the Difference
LI Zeng-guo;LUO Wei-jun