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East China Economic Management
2005 Issue 7
Thinking of China Mobile Setting up Rural Marketing
ZHAO Bao-miao
Develop Relationship Marketing in Convenient shops
GUO Xiang-ru
Discriminating of the Conceptions of Organizational Learning
AN Zhi-yu;CHENG Jin-lin
Some Views on the Management Integration
XIN Jia-ding
China How to Face Asian Currency Cooperation
GAO Ling-jiang
On the Imperfection and Protecting of Chinese Farmer's Right
WU Jing-bo;WU Chun-geng
On Establishing Peasant Household's Real Market Corpus Position
SONG Yuan-jian
Chinese Traditional Culture and its Effect to Firm Innovation
LEI Hong-zhen;HAN Na-na
Improving the Human Resource:the Fundamental Way out for Development
ZONG Jing-cai;AN Ji-kui;LI Zhi-wen
On Structuring the System of Modern Enterprise Cost Management
LIU Zhao-ming
The Development of the Bank Card Business in Shenzheng
Customer Satisfaction Analysis for State-owned Commercial Banks
WANG Jin-fu;ZHANG Dao-hong;LIU Xi-Min
Analysis of Firms' Competitive Behaviors and Ability
XU Xiao-hu
Consideration on Budget-management in New Circumstance
Yü Zi-yin
Discussion on the Execution of Virtual Enterprise
Analysis on Incentive Mechanism of Zhejiang Private Enterprises
GU Bing;CHEN Qiong