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East China Economic Management
2001 Issue 4
On the innovation mechanism of Zhejiang's enterprises
wu tian zu ; zou gang
Consideration on family enterprises management
hang yan yong
Application of Y-theory in “white shirt program”
ma hui min ; gong yan fei
Ethics management: a new tendency of business management
shen jun xi
Supply chain management basing on information technology
shao hong wen ; qian jie
The construction of the strategic objective system
xu xiao hu
Approach of mission management of enterprise
qian ting xian
The present situation and development Strategy of small enterprise
xia qing dong ; fu yan hua
Stroke the default, safeguard the financial right
he xiao en
On the integration of China's security markets under the open economy
liu xiang yun ; deng si yi
The improvement of support-department actual cost-allocation method
xu zhong ping ; mao hong tao
A research on people-hired environment in Chinese contemporary enterprises
zhu bo ; zhao zhen yu
Knowledge economy and human-centered management
wu min jie ; tang wei
The innovation of human resource management in new economy times
cheng xue xiang
Getting ready for the coming of knowledgebase economic times
hua li xin
How to cultivate and inspire the passion of the staff
xu gui feng
First research commonness in joint infringement
tu man ri
The method and framework in establishment of the case-based MBA instructional system
yan zhi yong ; chen xiao jian ; zuo yun zhu
Sharing responsibility for higher education cost
fang yi
Analysis model of E-Commerce based on “three streams one security”
jin hai tao ; chen zhi gao
Trademark stretch enterprise's selling trap
shi rong li ; li dong sheng ; huang peng ; chen ming
On the value and tactics of the development of middleman brands
qiu hong bin
Entry、 exit and Chinese retail industry development
li ying zuo
The challenge of network bank to traditional bank
tu wei
Preliminary research on the development of meet and exhibition tourism in Nanjing
bian xian hong ; huang zhen fang
Considerations on the performance evaluation of tobacco industry
yang xiao ping ; wu xu fen ; wang shi gui
The problem of actual country manage system and reform exploration
meng jun ye ; wu xiao fang
The marketing tactics to rural market
shen rui shan
WTO what mean to China farmers
dong zuo
Considerations on MBO of Chinese enterprise
wu yong