Variation Law of Pericarp Tenderness of Super Sweet Corn Kernel
ZHANG Shi-long;HE Zheng-hua;HUANG Yi-qin;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agriculture Sciences;State Key Laboratory For Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agrobioresources;South China Agricultural University;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;
Study on Spatial Structure of Town System in Hotan Prefecture Based on Fractal Theory
ABUDUKEYIMU Abulizi;YANG Yong-guo;ZHOU Xuan-de;CHEN Su;WANG Tao;School of Resources and Earth Sciences;China University of Mining & Technology;College of Resources and Environmental Science;Xinjiang University;Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology of the Ministry of Education;Urumqi;Key Laboratory of City Intellectualizing and Environment Modelling;
Study on Fermentation Kinetics of Polyoxins
WU Gang;HU Yong-hong;YANG Yang;GU Peng-fei;YANG Wen-ge;WANG Chun-xiao;DING Zhi-wen;CAO Zheng;State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering;Nanjing Tech University;
Design on the Small Potato Harvester
WANG Fa-ming;SUN Chuan-zhu;WANG Xiang-you;LI Xue-qiang;LU Yan-fang;SU Guo-liang;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shandong University of Technology;Shandong Provincial Intelligent Engineering and Technology Research Center for Potato Production Equipment;Office of Graduate Students;Shandong University of Technology;Shangdong Xicheng Agricultural Machinery Science and Technology Co.;Ltd.;