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Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
2005 Issue 5
nong ye zhuan jia jian jie
A Study of Culture Virus of Chicken Infectious Bronchitis Virus H120 Strain in Cells
ZHANG Yu-yang;XIAO Zhi-jun;WANG Si-bao;GUO Cheng-liu;WANG Zhi-fang;LIU Wen-hui;CAO Chun-jing;LI Li
Identification of Heterorhabditis spp. Populations Isolated from Hebei Province
CHEN Shu-long;LI Xiu-hua;Maurice Moens
Effect of Fungicides Extracteds form 10 Plants Tissue to Valsa Mali Miyabe et Yamada
MENG Jing-yan;WANG Xian-ping;AN Ming
The Effect on the Germination and Growth of Pepper That Caused by the Crude Toxin of Phytophthora capsici
ZHANG Rui-ping;GONG Zhen-hui;HUANG Wei;LI Da-wei
The Effects of Irrigation Quantity and Frequency of Drip Irrigation to Plastic-mulched Cotton at Critical Growing Stage
WANG Shu-fen;PEI Dong;JIA Jin-sheng;WANG He-hui;WANG Zhen-hua;ZHANG Xi-ying
Study of Effect of NaCl Stress on Aloe vera
NING Jian-feng;LIU Zhao-pu;LIU Ling;SHAO Jing
Studies on Heterosis and Segregation in Quality Characters in Progeny for Cytoplasmic Male Sterile in Brassica napus L.
ZHANG Shu-fen;MA Chao-zhi;ZHU Jia-cheng;WANG Jian-ping;FU Ting-dong
A Study on the Relationship Between the Growth and Physiology of Pak choi and Heat Tolerance
LIU Yan-yan;SHEN Huo-lin;LIU Yi-qian
Difference in the Agricultural Character Between the Interspecific Hybrid of Tropical Corn Germplasm and Temperate Corn Germplasm
DONG Hai-he;LI Feng-hua;CAI Zhuo;YANG Zhao-shun;LOU Chen-jun;QIAN Fang;ZHANG Xu
The Effects of Limited Irrigation on Winter Wheat Production and Water Utility
KONG Xiang-xuan;YANG Zhan-ping;WU Ji-cheng;SHI Fu-gang;XUE Yi-fang;HE Fang;YANG Zhi-juan
Action of Cultural Measures to Eliminate the Negative Effect of Allelopathy of Wheat Straw
JIA Chun-hong;WANG Pu;DAI Ming-hong
Analysis of Structure of ITS Sequence on Monocots with Reticulate Vein Basen ORF Finder
SI Yuan;GUO Yi-qi;KONG Hang-hui
Development of Edible Podded Pea Genic Male Sterile Line 93002AB
WANG Yu-quan;JI Yu-zhong;LI Zhao-hu
Varieties Identification of Cherry Tomato Using Molecular Markers
YU Shuan-cang;CHAI Min;JIANG Li-gang
Genetic Analysis of Two Photosynthetic Traits and Night Respiratory Rate of Cucumber Seedling under Weak Light
LI Jian-wu;AN Hong-wei;YU Ji-zhu;MAO Guang-zhi
The Correlation Analysis of Early Maturity and Productivity to Major Agronomic Characters in Cucumber
YANG Rui-huan;LIU Dian-lin;HA Yu-jie;CHEN De-fu;XIA Li-xin
Analysis of Genetic Variability of Maize Population by SSR
WANG Tie-gu;KU Li-xia;CHEN Yan-hui;WU Lian-cheng;HOU Ben-jun
The Changes of the Content for Chlorophyll and Photosynthetic Productivity in Maize Inbred Lines under the Low-nitrogen Stress
TANG Ji-hua;XIE Hui-ling;HUANG Shao-min;HU Yan-min;LIU Zong-hua;JI Hong-qiang;KOU Zhi-an
Transformation of Wheat with BADH Through Gene Gun and Agrobacterium
RAZZAQ Abdul;ZHANG Yan-min;ZHAO He;MA Zhi-ying;GUO Bei-hai;WANG Hai-bo