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Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
2005 Issue 1
Studies on Chromosome Karyotype of Wushen Horse in Inner Mongolia
ZHANG Yan-ru;Wunerhhu;Baikeliya;Mang lai
Effect of SS-IgY on the Levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor-Ⅰ , T3 and T4 in Blood of You Chicken
YANG Bing;WANG Jin-luo;XU Qing-fu;SONG Wei-ping;LAI Ping-an;XU Fu-zhou
Effects of Two N-fertilization on the Growth of Summer Maize with Straw in the Field
HUO Zhu;WANG Pu;FU Jin-feng
Effect of Zinc Cadmium Germination of Medicago sativa Seeds and Growth of Seeding
ZHANG Chun-rong;LI Hong;XIA Li-jiang;REN Li-Ping;RAO Zhen-hong
Effect of Different Irrigation Methods on Plant Growth and Yield of Tomato
LIU Ming-chi;LIU Xiang-Li
Study on Identification and Application for 2D/2H Wheat-barley Translocation Line with Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance
LIU Shu-hui;CHEN Xin-hong;ZHAO Ji-xin;WU Jun;LI Zhang
Gene Effect and Genetic Variation of Main Agronomic Characters in Feeding Maize
LU Xiao-ping;MI Fu-gui;YUN Jin-feng;ZHANG Rui-xia;ZHANG Zhong;LU Xue-li
Genetic Study on the Male Sterile Mutant of Podedible Pea
JI Yu-zhong;WANG Yu-quan;LI Zhao-hu
Characteristics of Chinese Cabbage Cytoplasmic Male Sterile CMS96
ZHANG De-shuang;ZHANG Feng-lan;XU Jia-bing
Effects of Low Light on Growth and Development of Cucumber in Spring Greenhouse
WANG Hui-zhe;PANG Jin-an;LI Shu-ju;HUO Zhen-rong
Effect of Relative Humidity on Membrane Functions in Apple Peel Tissues under High-temperature Stress
ZHANG Jian-guang;ZHANG Jian-qiang;U Ming-xia;FU Ai-li;ZHAO Yun-zhe
Studies on Breeding Varieties of Potato Resistant to Potato Late-blight by Genetic Engineering Techniques
JIN Hong;LUO Zhi-min;CHEN Zheng;LI Shu-tong;WANG Yong;WEI Zhong-ji;CHENG Yi
Effects on Production and Distribution of Photosynthate of External Gene to Cottons
ZHAO Hai-zhen;LIANG Zhe-jun;Qi Hong-li;WANG Yu-xiang;NIE An-quan;WU Xiu-feng
A New Rapid DNA Extraction Method from Single Maize Seedling
GUO Jing-lun;ZHAO Jiu-ran;XIN Jing-shu;ZHAO Jian-zong;JIA Xi-hai;TIAN Lei;U Bao-chun
Effects of Different Plant Hormone Concentrations on Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Caragan microphylla
NIU Xi-wu;ZHAN Hai-xian;CHANG Zhi-jian;YANG Hui-zhen;GUO Xiu-rong;ZHANG Xiao-jun
Studies on Mutation Effects on Young Wheat Plant Characters Implanted with Ion Beam
WEN Jie;LI Shu-ping;CUI Dang-qun;QIN Guang-yong;HUO Yu-ping
Factors of Influencing Maize Embryogenic Callus Induction and Differentiation
GAO Wu-jun;SUN Fu-cong;WEI Kai-fa;LU Long-dou;WANG Jing-xue
QTL of Wheat Yield Traits in D Genome
LI Wen-cai;LI Tao;ZHAO Feng-tao;LI Xing-feng;LI Hong-gang
In planta Transformation of Wheat Apical Meristem: A Preliminary Study
RAZZAQ Abdul;ZHANG Yan-min;YANG Fan;YOU Yan-jie;ZHAO He;MA Zhi-ying;WANG Hai-bo
The Effect of Successive Selection on the Self and Backcrossing Progenies from Normal Corn × Popcorn Crosses
LI Yu-ling;LU De-bin;WU Xiao-jun;DONG Yong-bin
The Use of Bulk DNA for Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Maize Populations by SSR
WANG Tie-gu;CHEN Yan-hui;WU Lian-cheng;KU Li-xia;HOU Ben-jun
Effect of Calcium and Calmodulin on the Expression of Genes in Ethylene Biosynthesis and Ethylene Signal Transduction
WANG Wen-ya;U Jing;ZHU Ben-zhong;CHANG Shi-min;ZHAI Bai-qiang;LUO Yun-bo
Genetics and Molecular Marker of the Gene for Disease Resistance to Powdery Mildew on Cucumis melo. L
WANG Jian-she;SONG Shu-hui;TANG Xiao-wei;CHEN Gui-lin
Studies on the Spatial Distribution of Larva and Pupae of Cerodontha denticornis Panzer in Wheat Field
GUO Xian-ru;ZHANG Jian-she;SUN Shu-jun;WANG Wei
Effect of Low Temperature and Poor Light on Chlorophyll Content of Tomato
SUN Zhi-qiang;ZHANG Qiang;ZHANG Hui-mei
Effect of Ultra-drying on Large Amount of Vegetable Seeds at 50 ℃
MENG Shu-chun;ZHANG Hai-ying;LIU Pang-yuan;KONG Xiang-hui
Induction of Several Defense Response Enzymes in Arabidopsis Seedlings by Salicylic Acid
ZENG Qun;CHEN Hui-qin;ZHAO Shu-qing;ZHAO Zhan-jun