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Journal of Test and Measurement Technology
2009 Issue 6
Research on LS-WSVM Based on Binary Tree in Early Fire Multi-Class Classification
ZHUANG Zhemin;LI Kalin;ZHANG Xinfeng;LI Fenlan
The Integrated Test Method for Weapons Based on Virtual Instrument
AN Baoling;BAO Jiandong;WANG Changming;TAO Yisu
Induced Electromotive Force Model and Analysis of Induction-Type Coil Target
ZHANG Qicheng;KONG Deren;DI Changan
Statistical Analysis of Signal Amplitude Distribution in Airborne Particle Counter
PENG Gang;YAN Wei;BIAN Baomin;LU Jian
Temperature Drift Modeling of HRG Based on Polynomial Model
LI Guangsheng;JIANG Yingjie;SUN Zhiqiang;XIE Hongwei
Structure Design and Optimization of the Novel Micro-Gyroscope Based on Meso-Piezoresistive Effect
LI Mengwei;LIU Jun;LIU Shaoxuan;DU Kang;SHI Yunbo
A Vehicle Plate Location Method Based on Color and Gray Level Jump
FENG Huina;BAI Yanping;HU Hongping
zheng gao qi shi
Sliding Mode Guidance Based on RBFNN Adaptive Gain Adjustment
LI Shiyong;ZHANG Qian
Real-Time P300 Feature Extraction Based on Parametric Model and FastICA Algorithm
LI Douzhe;QIAO Xiaoyan;DONG Youer
Discussion on the Remote Calibration of Data Acquisition Systems
LIANG Zhiguo;MENG Xiaofeng
The Multi-Channel Vision Inspection System Based on LabVIEW for PCBA
PAN Kailin;LI Ni;QIU Weiyang;WEI Lifu
Electrical Capacitance Tomography System Used in Two-Phase Flow Monitoring
JIANG Jian;WANG Huaxiang