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Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
2006 Issue 5
On Tao Xingzhi's Theory and Practice of "Students' Self-regulation"
LU Ke-jian;XIONG Xian-jun
A Probe of the Authorship of Taixuanfu Rhapsody
WEN Yong-ning
Features and Hints of the Traditional Chinese Dispute-settling Mechanism
JING Xiao-qin;CHEN Hui-lin
On the Legal Limit of Individual Freedom
XU Juan
An Analysis of the Chinese ARES Model at the Basic Level in the New Stage
BAI Zhen-zhong;WANG Hong-ling
The farmer receives to the national economy influence and the countermeasure
LU Sheng-quan;ZHU Jian-tang
On the Ethical Foundations of the Welfare Economics
QIANG Yi-hua
On Confucian Eco-ethical Thoughts and their Modern Significance
TIAN Hai-jian