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Chinese Language Learning
2007 Issue 6
"de " zi xing he cheng ci de li ju yu te zheng
yu si xiang
"guan zhao " bu tong yu " guan zhao "
lin you miao
di si jie yu yi gong neng yu fa yan tao hui ce ji
zhang quan sheng
On the Chinese Phrase-Word of "XRan+Jian"
ZHANG Yi-shenɡ
Discrimination of "lian/you/yibian Vp1, dai/you/yibian Vp2"
WANG Li-cɑi
The Follow-up Study of Placement Test
XIN Pinɡ
Hermenuetics and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
TAO Li-minɡ
A Summary of Studies of Chinese Dialect Grammar since 1990
GUO Li-xiɑ
The Interaction between Cognitive Situation and Rhetoric Discourse
ZHANG Chun-quɑn
Semantic Functions of Pre-element in Endocentric Compounds
XU Tiɑn-yun
Inner Principle on Rhetorical Figure of Imitation
XU Guo-zhen
The Construction Characteristics of "Ai za zadi"
WU Chɑnɡ-ɑn
Thoughts on the Causative Voice in Modern Chinese
On Attributive Adjectives in Modern Chinese
ZHOU Gɑnɡ;YE Qiu-shenɡ
On the Sentence-initial Preposed Attributive and Adverbial
YUE Zhonɡ-qi