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Coastal Engineering
2007 Issue 4
Study on Concrete Durability Design Scheme for Qingdao Trans-bay Bridge
ZHOU Chang-yan;DONG Feng;ZHANG Xiu-ting
Similarity Conditions to Set Model Sands for Marine Mobile Bed Physical Model Experiment
LIU Zi-li;JI Yu-qiang;YU Kai-ben;LIU Xue-hai;MA Xiao-bing
Abundance Distributions of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Surface Sediments From the Middle Waters of Bohai Sea
HUANG Feng-peng;HUANG Jing-zhou;YANG Yu-ling;SONG Qing-yun
Present Situation, Hazards and Prevention and Control Measures of Marine Invasive Alien Species into China
LIU Fang-ming;MIAO Jin-lai;ZHENG Zhou;WANG Yi-bin
Investigation and Assessment of Aquicultural Environment in the Fenghuang Lake
zhang xin jun ; lian yan ; zhang zuo ; zhou ying min ; liu xin jie ; zhao cheng nan ; cui yu long
Strengthening the Development and Protection of Seabed Mineral Resources
WANG Yong-zhi;LIU Hong-bin;BAO Xian-wen
An Experimental Study on Shoaling Effect on Infragravity Waves
YANG Yu-di;LIU Xi-nan