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Acta Photonica Sinica
2016 Issue 4
Demultiplexing Characteristic of MIM Waveguide Based on Multiple-Ring Shaped Resonators
WANG Liu;ZENG Ya-ping;College of Science;Guilin University of Technology;
Design and Optimization of Wide-band Filter Based on Guided Mode Resonant Grating
LI Ye;WANG Qi;WANG Jian-yu;ZHANG Da-wei;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Modern Optics System;Engineering Research Center of Optical Instrument and System;Ministry of Education and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Modern Optical System;School of Optics-Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Principle and Characteristics Analysis of a Terahertz Oscillator Based on Smith-Purcell Effect
MENG Xian-zhu;WANG Ming-hong;ZHANG Li-ming;REN Zhong-min;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Communication Science and Technology;School of Physics Science and Information Engineering;Liaocheng University;
Development of a Digital Orthogonal Lock-in Amplifier and Its Application in Methane Detection
LIU Hui-fang;LI Bin;HE Qi-xin;DANG Jing-min;YU Hong-yan;ZHENG Chuan-tao;WANG Yi-ding;PAN Jiao-qing;State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Gird-control Electron Gun with Multiple Focusing Electrode
QIANG Peng-fei;LI Lin-sen;LIU Duo;LIU Yong-an;SHENG Li-zhi;ZHAO Bao-sheng;State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi′an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on the Reliability of White LED Using RBF Neural Network Optimization by FOA Algorithm
HUANG Wei-ming;WEN Shang-sheng;FU Yi;State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices;South China University of Technology;Guangdong Silver Age Sci & Tech Co;Ltd;
Detector for Space Thermalion Imaging
LI Lin-sen;LIU Yong-an;KONG Ling-gao;LIU Duo;QIANG Peng-fei;ZHAO Bao-sheng;Xi′an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi′an Jiaotong University;National Space Science Center;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Low Frequency Compensation for Turbulent Phase Screen Based on Multi-order Frequency Grids
MA Xue-lian;LA Dong-sheng;School of Computer and Communication Engineering;Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao;
Optimization Design and Numerical Simulation of Micro Programmable Gratings with Tunable Blazed Angle
LI Xiao-ying;WU Yan;YU Yi-ting;DIAO Jin-shuai;YAN Zhi-wan;Key Laboratory of Micro;Nano Systems for Aerospace;Ministry of Education;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Phase Recovery on Sinusoidal Optical Grating Modulation
CHENG Hong;CHEN Ya-ping;ZHANG Cheng;SHEN Chuan;WEI Sui;Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing & Signal Processing;Anhui University;
Optical Axis ADRC Stabilization of Free Space Optical Communication Based on Space Mobile Platform
CAO Yang;LIU Shi-tao;School of Electronic Information & Automation;Chongqing University of Technology;School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Simulation Test and Inhibit Method of Forward Scattered Stray Light of Polarized Beam Split Optical Antenna
LJuan;MA Xiao-long;HE Ying-hong;YAN Xing-tao;XIE Pei-yue;YU Ji-rui;ZHAO Yi-yi;Chinese Academy of Science Xi′an Institute of Optics and Mechanics;Lunar and Deep Space Exploration Section;
Performance of Non-binary Low Density Parity Check Codes in 16QAM Optical Transmission Systems
WANG Li-ming;QIAO Yao-jun;ZHANG Wen-bo;The State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Cs Adsorption Mechanism for Negative Electron Affinity GaN Photocathode
QIAO Jian-liang;XU Yuan;GAO You-tang;NIU Jun;CHANG Ben-kang;School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering;Nanyang Institute of Technology;School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Techniques;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
Design and Optimization of GaAs Nanowire Array Solar Cells
LIU Kai-xian;LIN Ji-hong;SHI Jian-hua;TIAN Shao-hua;School of Science;Communication University of China;
Preparation and Extinction Behaviour of Expanded Graphite to 1.064 Micrometer Laser
LI Xiao-xia;ZHAO Ji-jin;MA De-yue;GUO Yu-xiang;State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology;Electronic Engineering Institute;Key Laboratory of Infrared and Low Temperature Plasma of Anhui Province;Beijing Institute of Remote Sensing;
High Power Linearly Polarized Yb Fiber Laser with Picosecond Pulse Bunch Output
WEI Kai-hua;CHEN Qing-guang;WEN Ru-hua;LAI Xiao-min;College of Life Information Science & Instrument Engineering;Hangzhou Dianzi University;State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation;College of Optical Science and Engineering;Zhejiang University;
Phase Characteristics of the Collinear Heterodyne Interferometer System
ZHANG Wei-jing;SUN Yun-qiang;School of Information and Communication Engineering;North University of China;
Application of Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Analysis of Thin-film Damage
GE Jin-man;SU Jun-hong;XU Jun-qi;CHEN Lei;LV Ning;WU Shen-jiang;School of Electronic and Optical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;School of Optical and Electronic Engineering;Xi′an Technological University;
Simultaneously Quantitative Analysis on the Main Elements in Glass with Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Combined with Calibration-free Method
LI Chao;WANG Ji;ZHANG Wei;CHEN Hua-cai;College of Optical and Electronic Technology;China Jiliang University;Taizhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;
Edge Detection of Printed Circuit Board Defect Image
QIAO Nao-sheng;School of Physics and Electronic;Hunan University of Arts and Science;
Multiple Scattering Model Based Image Dehazing with Superpixel
WANG Rui;LI Rui;LIAN Xiao-qin;School of Instrumentation Science & Opto-electronics Engineering;Beihang University;School of Computer and Information Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;
Influence on Space Target Polarization Imaging Detection Resulting from Atmospheric Turbulence
WANG Guo-cong;WANG Jian-li;ZHANG Zhen-duo;ZENG Wei;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;The School of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong University;
Visualized Measurement of the Liquid Phase Diffusion by Using Digital Holographic Interferometry
WANG Jun;YANG Rong;ZHENG Jiao;ZHAO Jian-lin;School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering;Xi′an University of Technology;Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Optical Information Technology and the Key Laboratory of Space Applied Physics and Chemistry;Ministry of Education;School of Science;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Optimization Design of C-T Imaging Spectrometer Based on the Tilt Field Len
HAO Ai-hua;HU Bing-liang;LI Li-bo;LI Yun;School of Electronic Engineering;Xi’an University of Post and Telecommunications;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Optical Design of Large Aperture and High Zoom Ratio Infrared Target Simulation System
LIU Zhi-ying;DING Qiu-wei;LI Dan;LUAN Xiao-yu;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Design and Adjustment of High Energy Laser Precision Pointing Monitoring System
WANG Jia-ke;YU Ji-chen;GAO Tian-yuan;HE Wen-jun;School of Opto-electronic Engineering;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Tilt and Dynamic Alignment for the Moving Mirror in the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
FENG Ming-chun;XU Liang;JIN Ling;LIU Wen-qing;GAO Min-guang;LI Sheng;LI Xiang-xian;TONG Jing-jing;LIU Jian-guo;Key Lab of Environment Optics and Technology;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Diffuse Reflection Associated with Scattering Phase Function from a Micro-region Close to the Source
LIAN Ge;LUO Wen-qian;WANG Ru-dan;XIAO Li-feng;LIU Ying;Key Laboratory of Opt-Electronics Information Technology and Science of the Ministry of Education;School of Science;Tianjin University;