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Acta Photonica Sinica
2015 Issue 2
Research of the Calculation Model of Light Biorhythm Factor
ZHOU Xiao-ming;,XU Jia-bin;,SHAO Zhi-dong;
Determining the Optimal Excitation Condition of High-frequency Flash Method for Algae Photosynthetic Parameters Measurement
shi chao yi ;, zhang yu jun ;, yin gao fang ;, zhao nan jing ;, duan jing bo ;, qiu xiao zuo ;, fang li ;, xiao xue ;, liu wen qing ;
Method for Choosing Angle of Reference Beam in Computer-generated Holograms Based on Spatial Frequency Analysis of Principle Fringe Pattern
HUANG Ying-qing;,ZHAO Kai;,PEI Chuang;,YAN Xing-peng;,JIANG Xiao-yu;
Optimization of Output Gratings in Holographic Waveguide Display System
PENG Fei;,ZHANG Pan;,YANG De-xing;,KANG Ming-wu;,MA Bai-heng;
Polarization Holographic Grating Recording in Spiropyran Doped Polymers Under Bi-photonic Irradiations
ZHENG Mei-ling;,XIE Xin;,SU Ling-li;,LI Ben-tian;,FU Shen-cheng;,SHI Feng;,WANG Xiu-li;
Optics Assisted Envelope Detection of PMM-UWB Employing Phase/Intensity Modulation
YIN Xiao-li;,HAN Jing-jing;,XU Can;,HAO Ji;,XIN Xiang-jun;,YU Chong-xiu;
Stress Evolution Sensing Technique for Electrodeposition Based on Fiber Bragg Grating
RAO Chun-fang;,LIU Chen;,YE Zhi-qing;
Single-core PCF Splitter Based on ZnTe Tellurite Glass
CAO Ye;,ZHAO Shun;,TONG Zheng-rong;
Automatic Aligning Method of Panda Polarization Maintaining Fiber with High Accuracy
LIU Zhen-hua;,FENG Di;,HUANG Huai-bo;,YANG De-wei;,SONG Ning-fang;
Phase Unwrapping Algorithm based on the Amplitude of Wavelet Ridge Coefficient Variance Derivative Quality Map
WANG Yong;,RAO Qin-fei;,TANG Jing;,YUAN Chao-yan;
Infrared Dim and Small Target Background Suppression Based on the Improved Shearlet Transformand the Guide Filter
RONG Sheng-hui;,LIU Gang;,ZHOU Hui-xin;,QIN Han-lin;,QIAN Kun;,YAN Xiang;,ZHAO Dong;
Automatic Target Recognition Based on Local Invariant Features
ZHOU Da-biao;,HUO LI-jun;,LI Gang;,WANG De-jiang;,JIA Ping;
Detection Performance of Heterodyne Lidar in Non-Kolmogorov Turbulence
TANG Hua;,YANG Wen-jing;,LI Huan-yu;
Geometric Calibration Method of Side-Scatter Lidar Based on Charge-Coupled Device
MA Xiao-min;,SHI Bo;,SHAN Hui-hui;,ZHAO Su-gui;,TAO Zong-ming;
Impact of Atmospheric Visibility on Laser Intensity in Sand and Dust Weather
WANG Hui-qin;,WANG Yan-gang;,CAO Ming-hua;,ZHANG Qian-yun;
Focusing of Laser Through Scattering Media
HUANG Hui-ling;,SUN Cun-zhi;,CHEN Zi-yang;,PU Ji-xiong;
Field Emission Characteristics of Nano-zinc Oxide Mixed Nano-diamond
YANG Yan-ning;,ZHANG Zhi-yong;,YAN Jun-feng;,LI Wei-xia;,ZHANG Fu-chun;,LIU Qiao-ping;,CUI Hong-wei;
guang zi xue bao zheng gao jian ze
Research on Preparation and Optical Properties of Far Infrared Ge-Te-I Chalcohalide Glasses with High Halogen
cheng ci ;, wang xun si ;, xu tie feng ;, zhu min ming ;, jiang chen ;, zhu qing de ;, liao fang xing ;, nie qiu hua ;, dai shi xun ;
Optimization for Closed-Loop Surface Plasmon Resonance Fiber-Optic Refractive Index Sensors Based on Tapered Probes
FU Li-hui;,YIN Wen-qing;,WANG Ma-hua;,JI Ren-dong;,JU Yong-feng;
Fast Azimuth Imaging Algorithm of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Ladar for Maneuvering Targets
WANG Hong-yan;,RUAN Hang;,WU Yan-hong;
Development of Pulse-mode Driver for Distributed-feedback Quantum Cascade Laser
DANG Jing-min;,FU Li;,HE Qi-xin;,CHEN Chen;,ZHENG Chuan-tao;,WANG Yi-ding;
Automatic Alignment Algorithm of High-power Laser Beam
XU Rui-hua;,HE Jun-hua;,WANG Wei;,WANG Zheng-zhou;,ZHANG Zhi-jun;,ZHAO Juan-ning;,MA Cai-wen;
Two-cavity Dual-frequency Nd∶YAG Laser with a Twisted-mode Configuration
XING Jun-hong;,JIAO Ming-xing;
Radiation Forces on a Rayleigh Particle by Highly Focused Hybridly Polarized Vector Beams
ZHANG Rui-li;,CHEN Zi-yang;,PU Ji-xiong;
Non-Parallel System Underwater Image Transformation Model
ZHANG Wen-ming;,DENG Xi-xue;,ZHANG Qiang;,LI Hai-bin;
Design of Squared Uniform Illumination Based on High Power LED Extended Objects
li peng ;, zheng yi ;, fan jiang bing ;, zhao jia kai ;, xu wei zhong ;, zhu bao long ;, zheng yao yuan ;, hu zuo ;
Optical System Design of DMD Digital Fringe Projection Based on the Application of 3-D Defect Inspections
CHEN Fang-han;,ZHAO Guang-yu;,JIANG Shi-long;,PENG Wen-da;
Investigation on Slow Light in Photonic Crystal Coupled-cavity Waveguide
DONG Xiao-wei;,QUAN Wei;,LIU Wen-kai;
A Novel of Pulse Width Modulation for Eliminating the Dynamic False Contours in LED Display
ZHOU Xiao-yuan;,YUAN Sheng-chun;,LI-hui;,ZHANG Jian-qi;,ZHAO Xiao-ming;
Decoherence of Weak Coherent State in the Diffusion Process
QIU Chang-dong;,LU Dao-ming;
Effect of the Light Source Coherence on the Maximum Diffraction-free Distance of the Bessel Beam
SUN Chuan;,HE Xi;,LIN Bing-fu;,JIANG Yan;,ZHUANG Qi-ren;,WU Feng-tie;
Study on Propagation Properties of Airy Beams through Negative Index Medium
XU Sen-dong;,FENG Yuan-xin;