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Acta Photonica Sinica
2013 Issue 12
guang zi xue bao zheng gao jian ze
Modulation Instability in Metamaterials with Third-order Nonlinear Dispersion
cheng ke ;, xiang an ping ;, zhong xian qiong ;
Effect of Carbon Chamber Spatial Confinement on Metallic Laser Plasma Radiation
chen jin zhong ;, li xu ;, ma rui ling ;, su hong xin ;, wang jing ;
The Preparation of “Green” Novel Liquid Laser Medium and the Research on its Optimal Concentration and Operation Temperature
feng guo ying ;, li mi ;, song ying song ;, wang ke fu ;, zhang qiu hui ;
Control of Self-bending Airy Beams
li yan ;, liu you wen ;, shi yao yao ;, wu tong ;, zhou rong ;
Gain Spectrum Flatness in Raman Fiber Amplifier
fang jian ;, gong jia min ;, xu jun hua ;, yuan xin yi ;, zuo xu ;
Limit Communication Rate of Visible Light Communication Data-link Based on Discrete Multi-tone Modulation
li yan zuo ;, li zhu bo ;, shi xing chen ;, zhang hong wei ;, zheng chuan tao ;
Optical 3D Digitizer for Photorealistic Imaging of Movable Cultural Heritage
li a meng ;, liu xiao li ;, peng xiang ;, yin yong kai ;
Total Variation Based Band-limited Sheralets Transform for Image Denoising
guo lei ;, li zuo zuo ;, lu ya ning ;
Multi-angle Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Multi-RKHS
gong zhi heng ;, han zhong hua ;, lin shuo ;, shi hai bo ;
Stereo Visual Localization Based on Sequence Orthogonal Iterative Algorithm
jiang yun liang ;, qi zhao yi ;, xu yun xi ;
3D Face Recognition by Kernel Collaborative Representation Based on Gabor Feature
shigeru ando;, jiang jian guo ;, zhan shu ;, zhang qi xiang ;
Circular-viewing Hologram with Large Side Viewing Angle Generated by Combining Computer with Optical Holography
wang hui ;, wu dong yuan ;, xie yu tao ;, yang zuo ;
Mode Properties of Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Based on Semiconductor Nanowire and Metal Ridge
chen da ru ;, lu qi jing ;, wu gen zhu ;, zhou pei ;
Electromanetic Field Analysis of Slot-waveguide with High Refractive Index Difference
cheng si qi ;, gu rui rui ;, le zi chun ;, li zuo ;, qian ru yi ;, wang dong xu ;
Analysis and Optimum Design of Silicon-on-insulator Micro-ring Resonator Electro-optic Modulator
cui dan feng ;, li yan na ;, liu yao ying ;, wang yong hua ;, wei li ping ;, xue chen yang ;, zuo jun bin ;
A Variable Optical Attenuator Based on Liquid Optical Wedge
chen tao ;, liang zhong cheng ;, xu rong qing ;
Contrast of Vis/NIR Reflection and Diffuse Transmission in Detecting the SSC of Ganan Navel Oranges
liu mu hua ;, sun tong ;, wu wen qiang ;, xu wen li ;
Improving Spectrograph Accuracy by Bayesian Method
zuo song yuan ;, dong yu hang ;
Design of a Weighted Radiance of the LED Measuring System
luo yong jun ;, mou tong sheng ;
Study on Rapid Detection Method of Sunlight Specific Waveband Intensity
fan hong pan ;, hu zuo ;, liang yan ;, liu zheng dao ;, zhang hai hui ;, zhou qing zhen ;
Optical System Design of the Optical Multi-function Detector
an zhi yong ;, niu jin ;, wang jin song ;, yang hai ning ;
New Optical Large Field Receiving Technology in Laser Fuze
gan lin ;, zhang he ;, zhang xiang jin ;
Projection Optical System Design of Coaxial Dual-band Infrared Based on Digital Micro-mirror Device
lin li na ;, song shan shan ;, wang wen sheng ;
Design of Infrared Athermal System with Double-layer Harmonic Diffractive Element
an zhi yong ;, zhang xin zuo ;
Light Field Rendering of Scintillator for X-Ray Imaging
li guang ;, luo shou hua ;, wang xiao long ;, yang jing ;
Palm Vein Imaging Based on Multi-Intensity Illumination
cui yong sheng ;, gao shi jie ;, ni xu xiang ;, wang zuo shu ;, wei ke yu ;