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Acta Photonica Sinica
2011 Issue 5
The Methods of Decreasing the Phase Noise Influence in Micro-Doppler Ladar
ZHANG Hai-yang;ZHAO Chang-ming;YANG Su-hui
Optical Design of Spaceborne Shortwave Infrared Imaging Spectrometer with Wide Field of View
XUE Qing-sheng;LIN Guang-yu;SONG Ke-fei
A Novel Detection Method of Infrared Dim and Small Target Based on Cross Window
WAN Ming;ZHANG Feng-ming;LEI Hong-li;ZHUO Zhen-fu
Dynamic MTF Analysis and Research for Aerial Camera
LIAO Jing-yu;GAO Xiao-dong;LIANG Wei
Campus-oriented Identification System Research based on VRML
ZHANG Zhi-an
Effect of the Environment on Microsphere Q-factor
ZHANG Yu-Guang;LI Peng;WANG Li;MA Pei-Jiao;YAN Ying-Zhan;LIU Jun;YAN Shu-Bin
Experimental Investigation on Near Gaussian-shaped Spectrum Erbium-Doped Fiber Super-flourescent Source in Double-pass Forward Configuration
YE Wei-wei;FANG Hong;LIU Cheng-xiang;WU Xu;RUAN Shuang-chen;ZHANG Li
A Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor of Steel Corrosion at Different Humidities
CAI Han-li;HU Wen-bin;ZHANG Yan-xiao;DING Li-yun;CHEN Wei
Ramage Repair for Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Antioxidant System of Arabiodopsis by He-Ne Laser
JIANG Xiao-yan;GAO Li-mei;LI Yong-feng;HAN Rong
Effect of External Optical Feedback Strength on Time Delay Signatures in a Semiconductor Laser with Double Optical Feedback
DING Ling;WU Jia-gui;XIA Guang-qiong;SHEN Jin-ting;LI Neng-yao;WU Zheng-mao
Geometrical Representation of the Linear Symmetric Coupler
SHI Jian;MA Rui-qiong;WANG Chong;YANG Yi;DUAN Zuo-liang;MIAO Run-cai
Control of Radiation Characteristics of a Micro Random-laser
WANG Hui-qin;LIU Zheng-dong;YU Ao-lie
Biological Tissue\'s Temperature Field During the Laser-Induced Interstitial Thermotherapy
BAO Mei-fang;QIAN Zhi-yu;LI Wei-Tao;XIAO Di;WANG Jin-yang;QIAN Lu
Continuous Variable Phase Detection System Based on LabVIEW
ZHOU Wu-lin;HUANG Chun-hui
Focusing Characteristics of Laguerre-Gaussian Radially Polarized Beam Through High Numerical Aperture
WENG Xiao-yu;GUO Han-ming;DONG Xiang-mei;SUI Guo-rong;GAO Xiu-min;ZHUANG Song-lin
Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of La2(WO4)3:Eu3+ red Phosphors as LED Application
LIAO Jin-sheng;YOU Hang-ying;WEN He-rui;CHEN Jing-lin;YOU Wei-xiong;WEI Yin-wei
Quantum Superdense Coding Scheme Based on High-dimensional Two-particles System
HUANG Ping-Wu;ZHOU Ping;NONG Liang-Qin;HE Liang-min;YIN Cai-Liu
Fabrication and Gain Measure of LaF3:Er,Yb Doped Organic-inorganic Waveguide Amplifier
LIU Tian-ji;LI Tong;TAN Zhen-yu;CHEN Cong;SUN Xiao-qiang;ZHANG Da-ming
Optimization Design on Packaging Materials of High-power LED for Lighting
LIU Yi-bing;DAI Yu-xing;HUANG Zhi-gang
Simulation the ASE Dynamics in the Pulsed-pumped Ytterbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers
ZHANG Wei-yi;NING Ji-ping;CHEN Bo;BAI Xiao-lei;HAN Qun;ZHOU Lei
Journal of Acta Photonica Sinica
Sorting Economic Microorganisms by Using Optical Manipulation and Raman Microspectroscopy
LI Zi-da;TAO Zhan-hua;MENG Ling-jing;CHEN Shan-shan;LIU Jun-xian;WANG Gui-wen
Development of Photonic Crystals Using Water-resisting Photopolymer
HAN Jing;ZHANG He-ling;ZHAO Tian-qi