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Acta Photonica Sinica
2011 Issue 2
Low-loss Large Mode Area Bragg Fiber with a W-shape Core
YAN Pei-guang;ZHAO Jian;GUO Chun-yu;ZHAO Jun-qing;SHU Jie;RUAN Shuang-chen;LI Xiang;CHEN Sheng-ping
Texturing of Multicrystalline Silicon with Acidic Etching
ZHANG Fa-yun;YE Jian-xiong
Fabrication of Inverted Bottom Organic Light-emitting Device with Li3 N n-type Doping Electron Injecting Layer
zhang zuo ; li chuan nan ; li tao ; cui guo yu ; hou jing ying ; zhao yi ; liu shi zuo
Near Infrared Effective Detection Depth in Mouse Traumatic Brain Edma Model
WANG Xue-na;LI Wei-tao;QIAN Zhi-yu;WANG Xin-zeng
Optical Properties of Ge-Te-Agl Far Infrared Chalco-halide Glasses
BAI Kun;NIE Qiu-hua;WANG Xun-Si;DAI Shi-xun;SHEN Xiang;WANG Guo-xiang
Optoelectronic Properties of Dual-wavelength InGaN/GaN Multi-quantum Well Light-emitting Diodes
CHEN Xian-wen;WU Qian;LI Shu-ti;ZHENG Shu-wen;HE Miao;FAN Guang-han;ZHANG Yong
Effects of Film Thickness Less than Electrical Mean Free Path on Reflectivity
LIN Yu-qiong;FENG Shi-meng;WANG Kun-xia;GU Jun;LIU Shao-jun
Control of High-power Laser Focal Position in Nonlinear Media
LIU Hui;FU Xi-quan;HOU Yan-chao
Detection and Recognition of Infrared Target Based on the Multi wavelet Transform
CHEN Fang-han;WANG Wen-sheng;YANG Kun;GUO Fei
Optical Fiber Bending Sensor Based on Michelson Interferometer
LIN Qiao;CHEN Liu-hua;LI Shu;WU Xing-kun
Optical Low-concentration Methane Gas Sensor
WANG Zhuo;CAO Jia-nian;ZHANG Ke-ke;FENG Lin-lin
Effect of System Parameters on the Reconstructed Image Quality in Digital Holographic Microscopy
MA Li-hong;WANG Hui;YONG Li;DENG Li-jun
Arrayed Source in Differential phase Contrast Imaging
LIU Xin;GUO Jin-chuan
Theoretical Study of Structure and Infrared Vibration Spectra about AlB+n (n = 2 ~ 10) clusters
LI Li-sha;LIU Fu;SUN Jiu-yu;HE Jin-long;ZHANG Feng-wangdong;WANG Jun-fei;JIANG Zhen-yi
Novel Feature of Guided Modes in the Chiral Nihility Cladding Fiber
DONG Jian-feng;LI Jie;YANG Fang-qing
Infrared Radiation Characteristics of the Stealth Aircraft
ZONG Jing-guo;ZHANG Jian-qi;LIU De-lian
Matching Design of Optical Fiber Image Bundle by Acid-leaching Technique
CUI Yuan;ZHOU Dechun;YU Fengxia;TAN Fang;YANG Jun
Structural Simulations of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
HE Zhuo-ming;JIN Shang-zhong;LIANG Pei;CEN Song-yuan
Influence of Loss on Filtering Characteristics of Series Coupled Two-Microring Resonators
LIU Xin;KONG Mei;WANG Xue-ping
Organic Light-emitting Device with Li3N n-type Doped Electron Injecting Layer
CUI Guo-yu;LI Chuan-nan;LI Tao;ZHANG Rui;HOU Jing-ying;ZHAO Yi;LIU Shi-yong
Chaotic Dynamic Behaviors of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser with Delayed Optical Feedback
TAN Jian-feng;ZHANG Sheng-hai;WANG Wei;ZHAO Zhen-hua
Triplexer Chips for FTTH
LI Bin;LE Zi-chun;HU Jin-hua;REN Guang-hui
Characteristics Analysis of Spun Fiber Circular Polarizer
WU Ming-hua;MENG Yi-chao