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Acta Photonica Sinica
2008 Issue 1
Spectral Information Detection and Extraction of Wheat Stripe Rust Based on Hyperspectral Image
YANG Ke-ming;CHEN Yun-hao;GUO Da-zhi;JIANG Jin-bao
Effect of Intraocular Lens Decentration and Tilt on Vision Performance of Human Eye
ZHU Hai-feng;FANG Zhi-liang;LIU Yong-ji
Design of a Birhomb-type Achromatic Phase Retarder
BO Feng;ZHU Jian-qiang;KANG Jun;CHEN Gang
Fabrication of Diffractive Grating Using HfO2-SiO2 Sol-Gel Film
XIE Yong-jun;ZHAO Fu-hua;WEI Wei;ZHAO Xiao-xia;ZHAO Wei
Size Adjustment of Reconstructed Images in Opt-Electronic Reconstruction of Digital Hologram
ZHANG Bei-chen;ZHANG Zhi-jiang;YU Ying-jie
Computer Assistant Synthetic Holography Using Lens Array
LOU Yi-min;WANG Hui;JIN Hong-zhen;WU Qiong;TIAN Qing;GAN Liang-qin
Influence of Spatial Profile on Lasing Threshold of Defect Modes in a One-dimensional Photonic Crystal Laser
WANG Hong;OUYANG Zheng-biao;HAN Yan-ling;ZHONG Yuan-cong;RUAN Shuang-chen
Design of Photonic Crystal End Mirrors in Resonant Cavity
TANG Hai-xia;WANG Qi-ming
The Design and Realization of an Optic Fibre F-P Acoustic Emission Sensor
YUAN Xiao-qing;SHI Yi-kai;DENG Liang
Down-hole Seismic Survey System with Fiber-optic Accelerometer Sensor for 3-Dimensions Vertical Seismic Profile
ZOU Qi-lin;WANG Li-wei;PANG Meng;TU Dong-sheng;ZHANG Min;LIAO Yan-biao
Thermal Effect on Up-conversion Fluorescence in Er3+ Doped Silicate Glass
ZHOU Song-qiang;LI Cheng-ren;LIU Zhong-fan;LI Shu-feng;SONG Chang-lie
Time-Division Multiplexed Fiber Grating Vibration Sensor Array
Study on Characteristics of a Novel Waveguide Array Electro-optic Scanner
LIANG Hua-wei;SHI Shun-xiang;LI Jia-li
Simulation Study of Thermal Results of Si Film Irradiated by Sub-picosecond Pulses Laser
SHI Ying;ZHENG Nan;LIANG Tian;XU Pan;DING Zheng;QI Wen-zong
Parameter Design and Technics Optimization of Wedge and Strip Anodes Collector
MIAO Zhen-hua;ZHAO Bao-sheng;LIU Yong-an;ZHU Xiang-ping;ZHANG Xing-hua
Compression-Factor-Controllable Optical Pulse Compressor
LIU Yuan;CHEN Da-ru;WANG Fen
Dispersion Compensation in OCT System by Rapid Scanning Optical Delay Line
YANG Ya-liang;DING Zhi-hua;YU Xiao-feng;LI Dong;WANG Lin
Study on Interaction of Photorefractive Spatial Solitons Using Perturbative Variational Approach
CHEN Shou-man;SHI Shun-xiang;DONG Hong-zhou
Propagation Properties of Self-Similar Pulse in a Dispersion-Decreasing Fiber with Normal Group-Velocity Dispersion
ZHANG Qiao-fen;XU Wen-cheng;FENG Jie;LIU Song-hao
Pseudo Working-point Control Detection Scheme for Interferometric Fiber-optic Hydrophone
WANG Ze-feng;HUANG Lei;LUO Hong;HU Yong-ming
Study on Engineering Application of Dual Gratings Parallel Matched Interrogation Technique
YANG Xi-chun;PEI Jin-cheng;ZHAN Ya-ge;ZHU Ru-de;HE Hong;XIANG Shi-qing
Theoretical Analysis on SRS in Single-mode Fibers Pumped by Laser of 1 064 nm
DENG Hua-qiu;LONG Qing-yun
Study on the Fiber Optic Sensing Method for Monitoring Sulfur Dioxide in Environment
LI Xue-ming;WANG Li-chun;YANG Jian-chun;CHEN Wei-min
SFDM/CWDM of Fiber-Optic Fizeau Gas Pressure Sensors
TANG Qing-tao;RAO Yun-jiang;ZHU Tao;ZHOU Chang-xue
Optimization of a Passive Single-wavelength Real-time Temperature Measurement System
SHI De-heng;SUN Jin-feng;ZHU Zun-lue;LIU Yu-fang
A Contourlet Domain Image Denoising Method Based on Mathematical Morphology
LIU Sheng-peng;FANG Yong
An Electronic Image Stabilization Method Based on Feature Block Matching
SHI Lei;SU Xiu-qin;XIANG Jing-bo
A Novel Structure of Array Reflector Mount Used in Inertial Confinement Fusion
LIU Zhi-gang;ZHU Jian-qiang
Thermal Effects on Laser Beam Due to Superposition of Beam Path
WANG Shi-qing;LIU Jian;ZHANG Xiang;JIN Gang
Heteroaxial Double Half-cylindrical Lens Collimate Beam of Laser Diode
MA Hua;ZENG Xiao-dong;TIAN Ya-ling
Measurement and Estimation of Principle Refractive Indices of LYB Crystal
HUANG Ling-xiong;ZHAO Yu-wei;ZHANG Ge;GONG Xing-hong;HUANG Cheng-hui;WEI Yong;WEI Min
Probabilistic Remote Preparation of Two-atom Entangled State
CHEN Mei-feng;MA Song-she
Multicontrol Remote Single Qubit Unitary Transformation with Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger State
Chen Li-bing;Liu Yu-hua;Lu Hong;Jin Rui-bo
Real Time Realizing on DSP for Auto Identify and Measurement of Laser Target Image
WANG Hui-feng;WANG Da-bao;LIU Shang-qian
Study on Chromatic Dispersion of Three-Mirror Gires-Tournois Resonators
ZHANG Juan;WANG Chang;ZHANG Zhi-hong;HUANG Zhao-ming
Applications of One-dimensional Photonic Crystal in Thermophotovoltaic
LIU Guang-ping;XUAN Yi-min;HAN Yu-ge
Analysis of Transmitted Spectrum of Two-dimensional Photonic Crystal Polarization Splitters Used in Infrared Region
LI Ming-yu;GU Pei-fu;ZHANG Jin-long;MA Xin;ZHENG Zhen-rong
Structure Research on One-dimensional Magneto-photonic Crystals Used in Optical Isolator
ZHOU Hui;ZHANG Deng-guo;OUYANG Zheng-biao;LI Jing-zhen
Band Gap Structure and Filter Properties of Photonic Crystals with GCLM Defect
ZHENG Cui;TIAN Hui-ping;LI Chang-hong;JI Yue-feng