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Industrial Water Treatment
2016 Issue 2
Research progress in the bioIogicaI wastewater treatment under unsteady DO conditions
Chen Jiao;,Li Bing;,Zhang Yong;,Xu Ruixiao;
Research progress in agricuIturaI wastes for adsorbing heavy metaIs
Zhang Wenxing;,Gao Haoling;,Jiang Hongtao;,Wang Zhiwei;,Wu Qingtao;
Research progress in the zero Iiquid discharge technoIogy of reverse osmosis concentrates from coaI chemicaI industry
Zhang Tong;,Liu Jian;,Huo Weidong;,Wang Xiaoguang;,Tong Shenglu;
Research on the adsorption for Cr (Ⅵ) with bifunctionaIized SBA-15
Yang Yang;,Wang Dun;,Yang Jianxin;
Research on the treatment of oiI-bearing wastewater from ships by demuIsification-fIoccuIation
Chen Wei;,Wang Yiyu;,Tan Qin;,Chen Tongqing;,Li Qifen;,Deng Zhengyu;,Chen Hong;
ExperimentaI research on the air stripping method for the treatment of ammonia nitrogen wastewater in Ieaching rare earth
Luo Xiaoyan;,Chen Yunnen;,Xiong Changshi;,Duan Wulin;,Liu Chunhua;
PiIot scaIe study on the treatment of eIectric desaIting wastewater by moduIarized coaIescer
Lu Hao;,Yang Qiang;,Liu Sen;,Guo Hongshan;,Zhang Peng;,Zhang Guangzhe;
Study on the effect of rhamnoIipid-enhanced white rot fungi on the treatment of puIping bIack Iiquor
Zhang Xiangsheng;,Zou Xuedong;,Gu Guanghui;
Research on the synthesis of acryIic acid copoIymer containing coumarin IabeIing group and its performance
Bai Xiaocheng;,Zhang Guanghua;,Wang Penglong;
Research on the characteristics of aIkaIine dyes adsorbed with modified hickory sheII biomass carbon
Liang Qiong;,Tang Binbin;,Yang Shengxiang;,Liu Li;
AppIication of Fe2+/activated carbon to Fenton-Iike system for the degradation of phenoI in wastewater
Zhang Yang;,Li Sen;,Shang Zhaocong;,Luo Yong;
Research on the removaI of four kinds of typicaI medicine by activated sIudge
Tang Ying;,Guo Qingwei;,Hong Chengyang;,Xu Zhencheng;
Advanced treatment of Lurgi Gasifier coaI gasification wastewater by ozonation-BAC process
Tan Yulong;,Li Yeran;,Tang Jie;,Xu Fengjun;,Zheng Wei;,Chen Ljun;,Li Ying;
Synthesis and study of Iow phosphonic maIeic anhydride-urea terpoIymer
Yang Xiangqing;,Xi Changsheng;,Feng Xia;,Yan Youping;
Study on the preparation and performances of soIid bacteria agent of COD degrading bacteria of refinery wastewater
Guan Yunyun;,Gu Xihui;,Lei Taiping;,Zhang Yanfang;
Study on the adsorption capacity of modified zeoIite and bentonite for fIuoride ions
Zhao Wensheng;,Sun Yanhong;,Zhao Wanming;
Treatment of refinery wastewater by coupIing efficient muIti-stage bioIogicaI treatment-Fenton fIuidized bed
Gu Dezhou;,Liu Yunfang;,Xiang Yong;,Yu Changyuan;,Tian Xiaojun;,Qin Zijian;
Study on the infIuences of the saIting out effect on the determination of oiI content in water
Li Guoke;,Gao Xiaohan;,Wang Xingwang;,Jiao Yujuan;,Luo Guanhua;,L Xuechuan;,Fan Zhiping;
Case study on the erythromycin thiocyanate wastewater treatment
Zhu Wenjie;,Liu Zhihua;
AnaIysis and soIutions of reverse osmosis membrane poIIution and bIockage
Li Yajuan;,He Feng;,Wang Zhengjiang;,Yang Yong;,Zhai Shaojing;