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Industrial Control Computer
2004 Issue 6
ji yu epa xian chang zong xian de i/o mo kuai de yan zhi
cao chang xiu ; huang cong hu
Model of Ethernet with Light Load
jiang qing biao
Interface Technique of the Computer Monitor System
ma yu chun ; wang jian ming
The Investigation of Several Key Techniques to Monitor & Control System Based GPRS
yuan jian wei ; liu cong xin ; zeng wei lu
qian ru shi tcp/ip wang luo mo kuai zai wu zhi ji lu yi zhong de shi xian
chen hua ; huang ke qiang ; wu ming
Manipulator for Installing Radiate Resource Substance Based on VxWorks
chen hao mu ; li wei jia
dian qi zhuan ye gong kong ji jiao xue shi yan de kai fa
xue ying cheng ; wang zheng hu
Study on the Standardized Development Processes of Computer-Controller System used in Industry
liu jun ; qian xiao xian ; zhang wei gang
The Introduction of Logistics Management System for HangZhou Tobacco Regie
zhou guang hui ; bao li wei
gang tie qi ye mrpii de shi shi yan jiu
liao wei ; li yin guo ; he zuo ; gui chen
ji yu dsp he cpld de ren ji jie kou shi xian
deng jie qing ; zheng jian yong ; song ming
Impementation of Communication Between DCS and Its CPC Server
shi zuo ; xue fu zhen ; fang jin sheng ; bai jie
isp ji shu zai quan zi dong sheng hua fen xi yi zhong de ying yong yan jiu yu shi xian
duan zhan tao ; peng chu wu ; cai chang qun ; zhou min hu
w3100a zai huan jing jian ce wang luo zhong de ying yong
zhang san mao ; zhang heng yi
The Application of AVR MCU in Dual-function Gas Water Heater
jie zuo wu ; li zu shu ; zhang hua ; zeng cheng ; liu xiao yi
Compact Rash Card's ATA Interface Design of TMS320LF2407A
guo xiao dong ; cao dan hua ; wu yu bin
msp430 dan pian ji zai tie lu huo che zhou cheng mo he jian ce zhong de ying yong
shi feng dong ; li xiao jing
A Study on the Simulated Annealing-Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem
xu guo ping ; ye xiao feng ; bao li wei
Design of an Stop-reporting System in the Bus
yan shi qiang ; li shu guang
Design of Gateway Between Isomer System in T20 System Improvement
liu wei hua ; chen jin run ; liu shi peng
Application of RSViewSE in the SCADA System in the Laboratory of Dynamic Simulation of Power System
fang wen guo ; zhang ming ; chen liang
The Research of Computer's Power Supply on the Train
wang hong xiang ; sun jian
i/a xi lie gong zuo zhan ci pan kong jian wei hu
wang wei min ; duan hua zuo
Design and Implement of Computer Control System for AirConditioning Store
gong jian guo ; wang xin xian
dcs kong zhi xi tong zai rong chu ye jing zhi guo cheng de ying yong
jiao shu hong ; zou ruo fei ; guo jin mei ; wei zhuang qiang ; guo qing you
Application of Control&Management Intergration in Paper Mill
li hong sheng ; sun xue feng
Application of Field bus Control System in the Pump Station
li liang geng
ye jie xin xi