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Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities
2015 Issue 4
Global stability of a delayed viral infection model with latent period and immune response
FU Jin-bo;,CHEN Lan-sun;,CHENG Rong-fu;
Regularity of the solutions to fourth order elliptic equations in general domains
QI Hong-hong;,JIA Gao;,LIU Wei;
A forced vibration resonance phenomena with fractional derivative damping
GE Zhi-xin;,CHEN Xian-jiang;,HOU Wei-gen;
Complete convergence for weighted sums of widely orthant dependent random variables
DING Yang;,WU Yi;,WANG Xue-jun;,XIE Xiu-juan;,DU Ling;
Least squares estimation for α-weighted fractional Brownian bridge
HAN Jing-qi;,SHEN Guang-jun;,YAN Li-tan;
LI-ideals theory in negative non-involutive residuated lattices
LIU Chun-hui;
Finite posets and calculating of the total number of T0-topologies on a 4-element set
RONG Yu-yin;,XU Luo-shan;,XIE Li-na;
On the least signless Laplacian eigenvalue of a Pt-free non-bipartite connected graph
LIU Xiao-rong;,GUO Shu-guang;,ZHANG Rong;
Existence of a family of strongly symmetric self-orthogonal diagonal Sudoku squares
SHAO Xu-yan;,ZHANG Yong;,WANG Cheng-min;
Statistically sequential spaces and statistically sequentially quotient mappings
LIU Li;,TANG Zhong-bao;,LIN Shou;
Integer general inverse for integer matrix
LU Cheng-gang;