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Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities
2004 Issue 1
The non-uniform sampling in shift-invariant space
luo shi ping ; lin wei
A new method of approximation of function in space W12(R)
lin ying zhen ; cui ming gen
Time-varying nonlinear system identification based on wavelet packet
luo xiao ; chen yao ; sun you xian
A family of Liouville integrable systems and their Hamiltonian structures
guo fu kui ; zhang yu feng
Uniqueness of limit cycles of a class of cubic system
xie xiang dong
Analysis of 3-dimension Bent function of degree 3 on GF6(2)
zhang wen ying ; li shi qu
Boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals on homogeneous kernel with high order commutators on Herz-Hardy spaces
chen dong xiang ; zhang zuo ; chen jie cheng
Empirical Bayes test problems for variance components in random effects models
wei lai sheng ; wang li chun