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Foreign Medical Sciences(Geriatrics)
2015 Issue 3
Protective Effects of Yu Shu Grain on Hippocampal Granule Neurons in Rat Model with Depression
Ying Dashi;,Wang Zhongnan;,Wang Bingmei;
Efficacy Observation of Ringer' s Acetate Combined with Antibiotics in the Treatment of Senile Urinary Tract Infection
Li Hongyan;,Xing Yuanyuan;,Huo Wei;,Han Yuping;,Jin Xuefei;
Advances in Neuroimage on Cognitive Impairments with Type2 Diabetes
Cheng Wen;,Xiao Qian;,Xu Linjie;
Clinical Characteristics of the Patients with Aspirin Resistance
Chen Yajie;,Li Xiaoqin;,Chu Zhaohu;
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress of Parkinson' s Disease
Hou Ruimin;,Peng Guoguang;
Relationship between Transcriptional Factor1 and Thymus
Zhang Hui;,Zhang Peng;