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Interational Journal of Genetics
2009 Issue 2
Establishment and Conservation of Family of Fistula of Artery with t(1;3)Perpetual Cell Lines
GUAN Chang-ji;WANG Ya-wen;NI Xiang;WANG Ge
Cancer Epigenetics (Continued 2)
XUE Kai-xian
Advances in the Research of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor
ZHAO Li-li;ZHU Jing;TIAN Jie
miRNA and Neurone
LI Yi-ping;ZHANG Jun;ZHANG Jing
Prader-Willi Syndrome
The Etiological Analysis of 865 Children with Mental Retardation in Qiqihaer
XU Ya-ru;JIANG Chun-ling
Angiogenesis Model in Mouse Embryoic Cell-derived Embryoid Body
GUO Peng;HAN Ya-ling
Expression of Tumor-associated Proteins in Transgenic Plants
GUAN Rong-wei;LI Chun-xiang;BAI Jing;YU yang;FU Song-bin
Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization and Application
ZHANG Yan-liang;TU Zhi-guang;DAI Yong
The Association between the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor2 Gene and Tumor
LIU Mei;SHAN Ke-ren;REN Xi-lin
Effects of ASPP2 on the Apoptotic Function of P53 Family Members and Cancer Therapy
ZHU Xiao-mei;ZHANG Ying-jiu;SONG Yi
Advance in the Research of Citrin Deficiency
MENG Ying-tao;SONG Li;Dang Li-heng
Advances in the Research of MIF Gene Polymorphisms
WU Jie;HUANG Cheng-bin;ZHAO Yu-zhen;ZHANG Li-qiu;LIU An;FU Song-bin
Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Troponin T
XU Chao;SONG Huai-dong
Molecular Diversity of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and the Relation between Tumor and VEGF
CHEN Zhuo;SONG Bao-an;JIN Lin-hong;YANG Song;HU De-yu