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International Journal of Respiration
2007 Issue 23
Effect of continuous positive airway pressure to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
ZHAO Fang;CHEN Bao-yuan
Cholinergic regulation mechanism of airway cells
LIU Zhi-gang;WANG Jin-rong;WANG Xue-yu
Immunomodulator application advancement in disease of respiratory system
ZHOU Wen-qin;WANG Wei-min
Impacts of asthma intervention treatment on airway responsiveness
WANG Ya-min;LIU Chun-tao
Correlation of airway remodeling with expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in lung tissues of bronchial asthma mice
YAO Hong-wei;LV Li-li;XIA Chun-wei;LI Ruo-ran;LIU Ping-li;ZHU Shu-yang
Mesenchymal stem cells and pulmonary fibrosis
CUI Ai;DAI Hua-ping;WANG Chen
Development of diagnosis and treatment on malignant pleural mesothelioma
HU Li-hong;ZHOU Jian-ying
Advances in chemotherapy of bronchogenic carcinoma
GU Yan;FU Xiu-hua
Role of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
CHAI Wen-shu;CHEN Bai-yi
Effects of activated protein C in sepsis and sepsis induced acute lung injury
HE Hang-yong;WANG Chen;PANG Bao-sen
Comparison study on detection of drug-resistant in Mycobacterium tuberculosis with phage amplified biologically assay and BacT-ALERT method
WANG Qing;CHEN Gen-wang;BAO Xun-di;LI Jian-nong;CHAI Hua;SUN Dao-xia
Effect of dexamethasoneon on expression of aquaporin 1 in rats with acute injured lung
DONG Wen;JIANG Xing-tang;DENG Li-ping;DU Yan-ping
Establishment of radioligand binding assay for angiotensinⅡ type 1 receptor of human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell after lipopolysaccharide stimulation
LI Hong-peng;QIU Hai-bo;XU De-yi;LIU Ling;WANG Lian;DING Hui-min;YANG Yi;ZHOU Shao-xia