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World Bridges
2016 Issue 2
Design of Auxiliary Movable Brackets Used to Erect Steel Box Segments over Pylon Pier Tops of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge
YE Shao-qi;The Fifth Engineering Co.;Ltd.;China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group;
Scheme Design for Interchange Crossing a Rail Marshalling Yard on Nongye Road in Zhengzhou
ZHOU Ji;China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.;Ltd.;
Design of Long-Span Continuous Through Type Steel Box Arch Bridge
LI Guo-pu;LI Fei-ran;Henan Provincial Communications Planning & Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Construction Technique for River Pier Foundations Sitting on Bare Rock Riverbed
SHEN Yong-li;China Railway Airport Construction Group Co.;Ltd.;
Visual Quality Control Techniques Used to Concrete Pylon Column Construction
WEI Li-ren;ZHANG Jia-lun;CHEN Xin;The Fourth Engineering Co.;Ltd.;China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group;
Manufacturing Technique for Plate Units of Steel Box Girder of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Quality Control
WANG Qing-zeng;Wuhan Bridge and Building Works Supervision Co.;Ltd.;
Analysis of Fatigue Stress Property of Steel Box Girder of Jiangyin Changjiang River Bridge
JI Bo-hai;YE Zhi;FU Zhong-qiu;WANG Feng;SUN Hong-bin;College of Civil and Transportation Engineering;Hohai University;Jiangsu Yangtze River Bridge Co.;Ltd.;
Temperature Stress Analysis of Steel Bridge Deck Pavement Structure with Interfacial Delamination
ZHENG Yu-fang;WANG Shou-song;WANG Feng;CHEN Chang-ping;College of Civil Engineering;Fuzhou University;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Xiamen University of Technology;
Vibration Monitoring and Analysis of Offshore Prefabricated Pile Caps and Pile Foundations in Connection Construction Process
HUJun;CHEN Ru-fa;ZENG Yi-feng;TAN Yu;College of Civil Engineering;Chongqing Jiaotong University;Guangdong Provincial Changda Highway Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Study of Parameters Influencing Load Bearing Performance of No.0 Block in PC Continuous Box Girder Bridge
XIONG Min;HU Feng-qiang;QIU Yan-jian;XU Yi-biao;FENG Xiao-mao;LIU Hui-ting;Jiangxi Transport Consultation Company;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Nanchang University;Engineering Project Management Company;Nanchang Municipal Public Group;
Analysis of Design Parameters for Three-Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge
YANG Yong;LEI Jun-qing;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Branch;Changchun Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute;
Study of Dynamic Performance Finite Element Modeling Methods for Box-Truss Composite Girder Railway Cable-Stayed Bridge
ZHANG Wu-wei;HU Teng-fei;CHEN Chang-sheng;RONG Hao;Guangxi Transportation Research Institute;The Sixth Engineering Bure CREC;
Study of Minimum Compressive Stress Margin in Normal Section of Long-Span PC Continuous Rigid-Frame Bridge
WU Xiao-guang;DU Shi-chao;YIN Ren-hong;Key Laboratory of Bridge and Tunnel of Shaanxi Province;Chang′an University;
Study of Influence of Poisson Effect on Longitudinal Cracks in Concrete Slabs of Composite Girder Cable-Stayed Bridge
XIA Fei;DUAN Bao-shan;CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co.;Ltd.;
Study of Transverse Stiffness Simulaton Based on Beam Grillage Method for Prefabricated Box Girder
YANG Sheng-chao;XIA Xing-jia;CCCC Road and Bridge Consultants Co.;Ltd.;
Study of Lining Concrete Arrangement for Multi-Cell Single Box Composite Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs
DENG Wen-qin;ZHANG Jian-dong;LIU Duo;HU Jun;School of Civil Engineering & Mechanics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Civil Engineering;Southeast University;Jiangsu Transport Science & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Construction Techniques of Global Synchronized Jacking for Existing Simply-Supported Beam Bridge
XU Hong;GUO Min;China Railway First Group Co.;Ltd.;
Construction Control for Rotation and Jack-up Rehabilitation of a Curved Beam Bridge
FENG Ming-yang;LIU Shi-zhong;LIN Tong-li;WU Ming-qiang;LIU Huan;Key Laboratory of Road & Bridge and Underground of Lanzhou Jiaotong University of Gansu Province;
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