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Textile Technology Overseas
2004 Issue 9
Effect of stainless steel-containing fabrics on electromagnetic shielding effectivenss
ching-iuan su; cha an xia ; zhang cai qian
Quality control equipments for nonwovens
e.wuagneux; xia ke jun ; hua yan
Effect of cationization on injet printing properties of cotton fabrics
m.kanik; sun bo ; liu li
Cathodic decolourisation of reactive dyebaths
t.bechtold; wei yu juan ; liu hai wen
Forming random nonwoven webs with the static method
wen-hao hsing; liu li zuo ; huang gu
Technical knitted fabric and machine availability
fang ling xing ; zhang wei
Properties of woven fabrics containing core-sheath DREF-Ⅲ yarn in weft
s.m.ishtiaque; an jiang long ; zhao shu lin
Compact spinning, a comprehensive survey
k.r.salhotra; fan jie ; ma hui ying