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Journal of Iron and Steel Research
2001 Issue 1
Relative Equality Load Optimizing Design for Low-Temperature Rolling in Bar Mill
DAI Tie-jun;LIU Zhan-ying;LIU Xiang-hua;WANG Guo-dong
Simulation of Temperature Field in Liquid-Solid Rolling by ANSYS Software
XU Guang-ming;CUI Jian-zhong
Computer Simulation of Shape Control Character for 6-High CVC Wide Strip Mill
LIU Hong-min;ZHENG Zhen-zhong;PENG Yan
Characteristics of Oil Film Formation on Cold Roll ed Strips
SUN Jian-lin;KANG Yong-lin;LIU Jie
Thickness Variation of 08Al Clad Layer during Inversion Casting Process
ZHANG Jian;WANG Xin-hua;WANG Wan-jun;XU Zhong-bo
Relationship between Slag Splashing in Converter and Solid Property
ZHU Xin-fa;CHEN Jia-ying
Image Analysis System for Nodular Cast Iron
XU Jian-lin
Review of Formation Condition for Internal Crack in Continuous Casting Slab
HAN Zhi-qiang;CAI Kai-ke
Micro-Image Analysis of Coarse Grain Heat-Affected Zone for Steel HQ130
WANG Juan;LI Ya-jiang
Influence of Boron on Microstructure and Mechani cal Properties of Abrasive Wear Resistant Ductile Cast Iron
ZHAO Ai-min;MAO Wei-min;SUN Feng;ZHEN Zi-sheng;ZHONG Xue-you;MA Zhen-sheng
Morphological Fractal Characteristics of WC in F errite-Cemented Tungsten Carbide before and after ESR Process
chu shao jun ; li yong lin ; he jie ; diao shu sheng ;diao shu-sheng
Constitutive Equation of Gatorized Waspaloy in Isothermal Forging Process
HU Jian-ping;ZHUANG Jing-yun;DU Jin-hui;DENG Qun;FENG Di;ZHONG Zeng-yong;Peter Janschek;Jurgen Kramer
Free Deformation and Solidification Structure of Initial Solidified Shell
WANG Ya-nan;SHEN Ming-gang;LIU Chun-ming
Effect of Si on Wear Resistance of Bainitic Cast Steel under High Stress Impact
HUANG Jin-feng;FANG Hong-sheng;XU Ping-guang;ZHENG Yan-kang
Ferrite Refinement with Large Accumulative Deforma tion
ZHANG Hong-mei;LIU Xiang-hua;WANG Guo-dong
Optimizing Algorithm of Pass Schedule for Finish er
LU Cheng;ZHAO Qi-lin;LIU Li-zhong;LIU Xiang-hua;WANG Guo-dong