sers pu feng qiang du sui dian wei de bian hua
$$$$Gu Renao;Wu Yun and Qiao Zhuanhong(Chemistry Department,Suzhou University Suzhou 215006)Tian Zhongqun and Li Wuhu(Chemistry Department,Xialnen University Xiamen 361005)AbStract The coadsorption of thiourea and ClO at silver electrodes has been s
guang dao xian wei fa yan jiu ag dian ji shang zuo zuo de sers
$$$$Xu Zhisan;Liu Hailin;Zhang Chuanfei;Hu Jiming;Sheng Rongsheng and Wang Xiaohua(The Center of Analsis and Measurement Wuhan University 430072)(Department of Environmental Science Wuhan University 430072)Ahstract A fiber-optic system was used to
jing li chi cun dui batio3 ju li wen du de ying xiang
$$$$Meng Jinfang;Huang Yabin;and Zhang Weifeng (Physics Departmnent, Henan University Kaifeng 475001)Abatract Raman spectra of BaTiO_3 with grain size of 145 nm at high tempera-ture show that the Curie temperature of BaTiO_3 is shifted to 150℃ from 120℃of bulk materials.This effect is connected with disorder distributions of dan-gling at bonds on interfaces.
fu zhi wu zhi xi fu zai yin fen shang de la man guang pu
$$$$ZhouQun and Yu JianyuanDepartment of Chemistry, Tsinghua University Beijing 100084)Yang Yu hui and Zhang Dehe(Institute of Chemistcy, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080)Abstracr In this paper, Raman spectroscopy have been used to study t
Raman Scattering Study of the Doped Barium titanate
$$$$Zhang Ming;Sheng Chen;Qiang and Yin Zhen(Center for Materials Analysis and National LAboratory of Solid State Mtcrostructures,Nanjing University Nanjing 2 10093)Ahstract Raman spcetra of the doped BaTiO_3 with Pb,Ca,YCuand Nb were studied. Th
lbo jing ti de guang san she yan jiu
Y. Wang~1;Y.J. Jiang~1 and Y,L.Liu~2 ~1(Department of Applied Physics;Beijing Polytechnic University Beijin 100022)~2(Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science Be ijing 100080)
zi fa you xu ga0 5in0 5p he jin de la man guang pu yan jiu
Li Guohua;Liu Zhenxian;Han Hexiang;Wang Zhaoping and Dong Jianrong(National Lahoratory for Superlattices and Microstructures Institute of Seviiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 1 00083)(Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science l
FT-Raman and FT-IR Spectra of Eight Kinds of New Azo- Dyes
Zhou Guangming Sheng Rongsheng~+ He Lifang Xu Zhisan~+ Wang Ting~ Wang Xiaohua~+ and Zeng Yune(Department of Chemistry, The Center of Analysis and Measure,nent~+,University of Wuhan Wuhan 430072) (Bejijng Bruker COrp. Beijing 100871)~
liang zhong xin zuo zuo de ft sers guang pu
Zhou Guangming;Sheng Rongsheng;Xu Zhisan;Wang Ting;Xiong Ya Wang Xiaohua;and Zeng Yune(Department of Chemistry, The Center of Analysis and Measurement,University of Wuhan Wuhan 430072)(Deijing Bruker Corp., Beijing,100871)
lv qi gu tong jing biao ceng jie gou cheng fen fen xi
$$$$Zuo Jian;Xing Jingyun;Liu Zienming;Mao Zhenwei and Xu cunyi(Structure Research LAB,University of Science & Technolegy fo China Hefei 2300226)Ahstract There is a sort of green mirrors in ancient China(luqigu ),Their surface lavers with about
liang zi pai pin xi tong de la man san she
$$$$Cao Xhuoliang;Zhu Kerong and Zhao Huazheng(Deparrment of Physics, Anhui University Hefei 230039)Abstarct We present the small signal gain of Raman scattering in the three-level atomic svstme driven by a coherent microwave field.
dan jie shi de ft raman guang pu yan jiu
Xu Zhiyong;Li Weihong;Wang Libo;Xu Zhenhua and Wu Jinguang (CollegeVChemistry and Molecular Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Material Chemistry and Applications,Peking University Beijing 100871)
jin liu qing yuan ti mo ni cheng kuang de la man yan jiu
Cheng Guangxu(Center of Materials Anaosis and National Laboratory of Solid State Mtcrostructures,Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technique of Microstructures Najing University Nanjing 210093 China)Cai Yuanji and Zhou Mao(Nanjing Institute o