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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2016 Issue 7
Heavy-light mesons in a relativistic model
Jing-Bin Liu;Mao-Zhi Yang;School of Physics;Nankai University;
Detection of supernova neutrinos at spallation neutron sources
Ming-Yang Huang;Xin-Heng Guo;Bing-Lin Yang;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dongguan Institute of Neutron Science;College of Nuclear Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Iowa State University;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Direct pion emission in D*~+→D~+π decays
Xing-Dao Guo;Xue-Wen Liu;Hong-Wei Ke;Xue-Qian Li;School of Physics;Nankai University;Department of Physics;Tianjin University;
Study of the rare decay J/ψ→e~+e~-φ
Xing-Dao Guo;Si-Run Xue;Hong-Wei Ke;Xue-Qian Li;Qiang Zhao;School of Physics;Nankai University;Institute of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics;Tianjin University;
ρ meson decays of heavy hybrid mesons
Liang Zhang;Peng-Zhi Huang;School of Physics;Beihang University;Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology Peking University;Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;CAS;
Diquark mass differences from unquenched lattice QCD
Yujiang Bi;Hao Cai;Ying Chen;Ming Gong;Zhaofeng Liu;Hao-Xue Qiao;Yi-Bo Yang;School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;Institute of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics and Astronomy;University of Kentucky;
Evolution of N=28 shell closure in relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory
Xue-Wei Xia;School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering and International Research Center for Nuclei and Particles in the Cosmos;Beihang University;
Influence of binding energies of electrons on nuclear mass predictions
Jing Tang;Zhong-Ming Niu;Jian-You Guo;School of Physics and Material Science;Anhui University;
Spectra and electromagnetic transitions of 72-84Kr in the interacting boson model-1
Hong-Bo Bai;Xiao-Wei Li;Li-Jun Lü;Hong-Fei Dong;Yin Wang;Jin-Fu Zhang;College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering;Chifeng University;
A combined model for pseudorapidity distributions in p-p collisions at center-of-mass energies from 23.6 to 7000 GeV
Zhi-Jin Jiang;Yan Huang;Jie Wang;College of Science;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Sensitivity study of(10,100) GeV gamma-ray bursts with double shower front events from ARGO-YBJ
Xun-Xiu Zhou;Lan-Lan Gao;Yu Zhang;Yi-Qing Guo;Qing-Qi Zhu;Huan-Yu Jia;Dai-Hui Huang;School of Physical Science and Technology;Southwest Jiaotong University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Large angular scale CMB anisotropy from an excited initial mode
A.So jasi;M.Mohsenzadeh;E.Yusofi;Department of Physics;Rasht Branch;Islamic Azad University;Department of Physics;Qom Branch;Islamic Azad University;Department of Physics;Ayatollah Amoli Branch;Islamic Azad University;
Upgrade of beam energy measurement system at BEPC-Ⅱ
Jian-Yong Zhang;Xiao Cai;Xiao-Hu Mo;Di-Zhou Guo;Jian-Li Wang;Bai-Qi Liu;M.N.Achasov;A.A.Krasnov;N.Yu.Muchnoi;E.E.Pyata;E.V.Mamoshkina;F.A.Harris;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics;Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;Novosibirsk State University;University of Hawaii;
Study of a nTHGEM-based thermal neutron detector
Ke Li;Jian-Rong Zhou;Xiao-Dong Wang;Tao Xiong;Ying Zhang;Yu-Guang Xie;Liang Zhou;Hong Xu;Gui-An Yang;Yan-Feng Wang;Yan Wang;Jin-Jie Wu;Zhi-Jia Sun;Bi-Tao Hu;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dongguan Neutron Science Center;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;University of South China;Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology;Sun Yat-sen University;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;National Institute of Metrology;
Prototype of readout electronics for the LHAASO KM2A electromagnetic particle detectors
Xiang Liu;Jing-Fan Chang;Zheng Wang;Lei Fan;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Non-ideal effects of MOS capacitor in a switched capacitor waveform recorder ASIC
Hong-Yan Zhang;Zhi Deng;Yi-Nong Liu;Key Laboratory of Particle Radiation & Imaging;Ministry of Education;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
A capture-gated fast neutron detection method
Yi Liu;Yi-Gang Yang;Yang Tai;Zhi Zhang;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imagaing;Tisinghua University;Ministry of Education;
Spot size measurement of a flash-radiography source using the pinhole imaging method
Yi Wang;Qin Li;Nan Chen;Jin-Ming Cheng;Yu-Tong Xie;Yun-Long Liu;Quan-Hong Long;Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power;Institute of Fluid Physics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Monitoring method for neutron flux for a spallation target in an accelerator driven sub-critical system
Qiang Zhao;Zhi-Yong He;Lei Yang;Xue-Ying Zhang;Wen-Juan Cui;Zhi-Qiang Chen;Hu-Shan Xu;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Development and prospects of Very Small Angle Neutron Scattering(VSANS) techniques
Tai-Sen Zuo;He Cheng;Yuan-Bo Chen;Fang-Wei Wang;China Spallation Neutron Source;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dongguan Institute of Neutron Science;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
High power acceleration of an HSC type injector for cancer therapy
Liang Lu;Toshiyuki Hattori;Huan-Yu Zhao;Katsunori Kawasaki;Lie-Peng Sun;Qian-Yu Jin;Jun-Jie Zhang;Liang-Ting Sun;Yuan He;Hong-Wei Zhao;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Institute of Radiological Sciences;Tokyo Institute of Technology;
Improving nonlinear performance of the HEPS baseline design with a genetic algorithm
Yi Jiao;Key Laboratory of Particle Acceleration Physics and Technology;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Beam-based calibrations of the BPM offset at C-ADS Injector Ⅱ
Wei-Long Chen;Zhi-Jun Wang;Chi Feng;Wei-Ping Dou;Yue Tao;Huan Jia;Wang-Sheng Wang;Shu-Hui Liu;Yuan He;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Design and evaluation of a downconverter based on MicroTCA.4
Nan Gan;Rong Liu;Xin-Peng Ma;Yun-Long Chi;University of Chinese Academy of Science;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Thermal stability and separation characteristics of anti-sticking layers of Pt/Cr films for the hot slumping technique
Shuang Ma;Ming-Wu Wen;Zhan-Shan Wang;MOE Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro-Structured Materials;Institute of Precision Optical Engineering;School of Physics Science and Engineering;Tongji University;