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High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
2013 Issue 4
Solution of the Schrdinger equation for a particular form of Morse potential using the Laplace transform
M. Zarezadeh 1 M. K. Tavassoly 1;2;1) 1 Atomic and Molecular Group; Faculty of Physics; Yazd University; Yazd; Iran 2 Photonics Research Group; Engineering Research Center; Yazd University; Yazd; Iran
Doublet bands in 128La and systematic features of energy separationof doublet bands observed in the A~130 mass region
MA Ke-Yan1 LU Jing-Bin1;1) YANG Dong1 WANG Hui-Dong1 LIU Yun-Zuo1 LI Jian1 LIU Gong-Ye1 LI Li1 MA Ying-Jun1 WU Xiao-Guang2 LI Guang-Sheng2 ZHENG Yun2 HE Chuang-Ye2 1 College of Physics; Jilin University; Changchun 130023; China 2 China Institute of Atomic Energy; Beijing 102413; China
An angle-dependent potential and alpha-decay half-lives of deformed nuclei for 67≤Z≤91
H. Hassanabadi 1 E. Javadimanesh 1;1) S. Zarrinkamar 2 H. Rahimov 3 1 Physics Department; Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood; Iran 2 Department of Basic Science; Garmsar Branch; Islamic Azad University; Garmsar; Iran 3 Computer Engineering Department; Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood; Iran
Astrophysical S-factor of the d(p,γ)~3 He process by effective field theory
H. Sadeghi 1) H. Khalili M. Godarzi Department of Physics; Faculty of Science; Arak University; Arak 8349-8-38156; Iran
Influence of coupling constants on nuclear symmetry energy
LIU Bei-Bei1) OUYANG FeiCHEN Wei2) Department of Physics; Jinan University; Guangzhou 510632; China
Prospects for searching the η→e~+e~- rare decay at the CSR
JI Chang-Sheng SHAO Ming 1) ZHANG Hui CHEN Hong-Fang ZHANG Yi-Fei University of Science and Technology of China; Jinzhai Road 96; Hefei 230026; China
Study of n-γ discrimination for 0.4-1 MeV neutrons using the zero-crossing method with a BC501A liquid scintillation detector
CHEN Yong-Hao 1;2 LEI Jia-Rong 1 ZHANG Xiao-Dong 2 AN Li 1;1) ZHENG Pu 1 WANG Xin-Hua 1 ZHU Chuan-Xin 1 HE Tie 1 1 Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry; Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics; Mianyang 621900; China 2 School of Nuclear Science and Technology; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China
Recalculation of the HIRFL-SSC injection and extraction system
YE Feng1) Institute of Modern Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Lanzhou 730000; China
Study of superradiance based on a low-voltage backward wave oscillator
WU Jie1;1) FANG Zhi-Cong2 XIE Hong-Quan1 LI Zheng-Hong1 1 Science College Southwestern University of Science and Technology; Mianyang 621010; China 2 Xichang College; Xichang College; Xichang 615013; China
End-to-end simulation of the C-ADS Injector Ⅱ with a 3-D field map
WANG Zhi-Jun 1;2;3;1) HE Yuan 1;3;2) WANG Wang-Sheng 1 LIU Shu-Hui 1 JIA Huan 1 LI Chao 1;3 XU Xian-Bo 1 CHEN Xi-Meng 2 1 Institute of Modern Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Lanzhou 73000; China 2 The School of Nuclear Science and Technology Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Lattice study for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
BAI Zheng-He1) WANG Lin2) JIA Qi-Ka LI Wei-Min National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei 230029; China
Guideline to Authors
Ratio of a strange quark mass ms to up or down quark mass mu,d predicted by a quark propagator in the framework of the chiral perturbation theory
PENG Jin-Song 1 ZHOU Li-Juan 2 MENG Cheng-Ju 1 PAN Ji-Huan 1 MA Wei-Xing 3 YUAN Tong-Quan 11 Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering; Hechi University; Yizhou 546300; China 2 Department of Information and Computing Science; Guangxi University of Technology; Liuzhou 545006; China 3 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
H→γγ:a comment on the indeterminacy of non-gauge-invariant integrals
F. Piccinini 1 A. Pilloni 2 A. D. Polosa 2 1 INFN Pavia-Via A. Bassi 6; I-27100; Pavia; Italy 2 Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN; ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma-P.le A. Moro 2; I-00185; Roma; Italy
Branching ratio and CP asymmetry of Bs→K0* (1430)η(’) decays in the PQCD approach
ZHANG Zhi-Qing 1) WANG Shi-Jian ZHANG Li-Ying Department of Physics; Henan University of Technology; Zhengzhou 450001; China
Anomalous spin of the Chern-Simons-Georgi-Glashow model
HUO Qiu-Hong1;1) JIANG Yun-Guo2;3;2) WANG Ru-Zhi1 YAN Hui1 1 Laboratory of Thin Film Materials; College of Materials Science and Engineering; Beijing University of Technology; Beijing 100024; China 2 Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Arbitrary-state solutions of the Dirac equation for a Mbius square potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method
E. Maghsoodi 1;1) H. Hassanabadi 1 H. Rahimov 2 S. Zarrinkamar 3 1 Physics Department; Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood; Iran 2 Computer Engineering Department; Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood; Iran 3 Department of Basic Sciences; Garmsar Branch; Islamic Azad University; Garmsar; Iran