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Journal of Management Sciences in China
2002 Issue 6
Systematic rethinking on management
xi you min ; han wei
Research on formalization method of complicated decision-making problems
yu chang rui ; xu fu yuan ; xiang yang
Multi-agent negotiation model based on genetic algorithm in E-business
huang jing hua ; ma zuo ; zhao chun jun
How can organization theory benefit from complexity systems theory
li liang ; guo yao huang
New development of foreign managerial compensation research
zhang zheng tang ; tao xue yu
Experimental Economics and 2002's Nobel Economics Prize
sheng zhao zuo ; xiao tiao jun ; gao jie
Stochastic simulation based genetic algorithm for solving portfolio problem with probability criterion
wang yan qing ; tang wan sheng ; han qi heng
Research of securities market liquidity and chaos of bargainer colony change
zhuang xin tian ; huang xiao yuan
Swarm based study on complexity in flood disaster
wei yi ming ; zhang lin peng ; fan ying
Continuous time revenue management with maximal & minimal reservation prices
wei zuo hua ; hu qi ying
Application of error correction models of combination forecasting
tang xiao wo ; zeng yong
Decision model of strategy flexibility of enterprise knowledge system
zhang xin wu ; liu zhong ying
Virtual enterprises: Organizations of learning alliances
wan lun lai ; da qing li