Mechanical and Processing Properties of Stainless Steel Bar
LI Cheng-chang;MU Ming-hao;NIE Chang-xin;LI Qing-fu;WANG Hui-mian;Research Institute of Highway;Ministry of Transport;Shandong High-speed Group Co.;Ltd.;Shandong Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute;Zhengzhou University;Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co.;Ltd.;
Corrosion Resistant Performance of Stainless Steel Bar
ZHENG Xiao-hua;LI Cheng-chang;YANG Feng;HUANG Bin;WANG Hui-mian;Research Institute of Highway;Ministry of Transport;Xiamen Engineering Co.;Ltd.;China First Highway Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co.;Ltd.;
Mechanical Behaviors of Asphalt Mixtures in Salt-wet-heat Cycling
CHEN Hua-liang;SHA Ai-min;JIANG Wei;WANG Ya-ning;LIU Zhuang-zhuang;Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education;Chang’an University;Guangxi Communications Investment Group Co.;Ltd.;China Railway First Survey &Design Institute Group Co.;Ltd.;