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Journal of Guilin College of Aerospace Technology
2003 Issue 1
duan xun yi ze
On the Inequation of Continuous Function on Sphere
wang zuo
Overview of Theoretical Study on World Diversity
pan xian kui
Thoughts on Teaching College English on a Multi-level Basis
zhang fang
On New Teachers' Classroom Teaching
song xiao hui
Humane Function and Reform of Chinese Language Teaching
xiong yue qiang ; zhan wan sheng
The Application of Case Study Approach in Teaching Marketing
song chang zuo
Causes and Countermeasures of Disorder in China's Market
huang tao ; chen hui
The Development of CAI Courseware Material Organizer
zhang ya hong ; li yan
On Implementing Modern Long Distance Education at My College
sun shan lin ; ge ren hua ; li jing hua
The Comparison between PLL and DDS and the New Design of DDS PLL
pang qian juan ; li jing hua