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Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
2000 Issue z1
Financial Support for Technological Innovation in Chinese Enterprises
CHEN Jin;XU Li-fen
Benchmarking Innovation Practices on Firms in France
Bernard Bobe
Ensuring an Effective R-to-D Interface by Managing Knowledge Transfer through R&D Individuals
Roman Boutellier;Maximilian;Von Zedtwitz
Integration of Technology Management and Marketing Management
Raymend H. Jordon
Innovation Adoption and Competitiveness:National, Industry and Firm capability
Andrew Griffiths;Peter Galvin;Damian Hine
Competence,Competition and Internationalization
mai ke er ge li gao rui ;mike gregorg
Dynamics of Learning and Firm's Core Competence
WU Xiao-bo
Managing Technology Using the Roadmapping Tool Set
Michael Radnor;John W. Peterson