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2014 Issue 7
Numerical Simulation Analysis of Dynamical Process for Double Cylindrical Composite Device Protecting from Ship-Bridge Collision
ZOU Rui;WU Zhi-min;WANG Li-xin;FANG Hai;LIU Wei-qing;Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited;College of Civil Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Jiangsu Province Communications Planning & Design Institute;
ben qi dao du
Key Technologies of Pile Foundation Construction in Coastal Saturation Current Formed Silt Conditions
YAN Lin-qiang;LI Jian-ning;HU Kun-peng;ZHANG Ning;CCCC Second Highway Fifth Engineering Co. Ltd.;
Study on Multi-point Support Technolody in Shifting Super-large Box Girder
JIANG Xiang-ping;LIAN Dan-dong;LU Qing;NING Xiao-dong;Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited;China Major Bridge Engineering Co. Ltd.;
Study on Spatial Stability Performance of Curve Partially Cable-stayed Bridge
GAO Bo;DENG Cheng-gang;WANG Li-xin;HAN Da-zhang;Jiangsu Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute Limited Company;Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited;
Application of Precast Box Girder Section Erection Technology for Bridge with Super Wide and Varied Width Deckon the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway
YI Hui-ping;LU Xue-cheng;LIAO Qing-yan;Shenzhen Branch;CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.;
Appearance Quality Control of 30m Span Precast Box Girder
LI Ling-xiao;QIN Xiao-feng;LU Xue-cheng;JIANG Da-qi;Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited;CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.;
Research on Deck Pavement Schemes for Long and Large Concrete Bridge along Costal Line under Thermal Climate
ZHANG Ji-zhou;WANG Li-xin;DENG Cheng-gang;Jiangsu Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute Co. Ltd.;Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited;
Key Technologies of Cable Structure Construction of Dongbao RiverExtradosed Cable- stayed Bridge
BAI Yang;LI Hua-long;CHEN Shao-wen;WANG Xiao-liang;CCCC Second Highway Fifth Engineering Co. Ltd.;
Issues and Analysis of Road Subgrade during Design and Survey Phases in Loess Area
LIU Jun-yong;ZHANG Liu-jun;CCCC First Highway Consultants Co. Ltd.;School of Highway;Chang’an University;
Studyon Mechanical Response of Asphalt Pavement with Semi- rigid Base under Dynamic Load
XIAO Chuan;SONG Wen-xia;XIA Wei;LI Long-Zhi;School of Civil Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Key Laboratory of Highway Projects in Sichuan Province;Southwest Jiaotong University;Sichuan Chengdenan Expressway Co.;Ltd;
Study of Settlement Deformation Rules for Rock-filled Subgrade during Construction
PAN Long-wu;ZHANG Hong-bo;Guangxi Transportation Research Institute;Guangxi Key Lab of Road Structure and Materials;
Analysis of Impact on Extreme Climate Factors to Asphalt Pavement based on Risk Matrix
WANG Zhi-jun;LI Fu-pu;Key Laboratory of Road Structure&Material;Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport;
Fatigue Life Analysis of Semi-rigid Base Pavement based on the Change of Three Dimensional Scale of Crack
LI Sheng-li;SUN Pan-xu;ZHANG Tong;NIE Dan;WANG Dong-wei;School of Civil Engineering;Zhengzhou University;Highway Bureau of Sanmenxia City;
Analysis of Freeway Structure Influenceunder the Explosion Simulation of Parallel and Passing Gas Pipeline
YANG Zhong-yuan;WU Ying-feng;ZhejiangInstitute of Communications;
Causes and Prevention of Highway Diseases in Alpine Permafrost Region
GAO Ming;LI Xiang-quan;WANG Zhen-xing;HOU Xin-wei;LIU Ling-xia;MA Jian-fei;HAN Shuang-ping;Institute of Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology;CAGS;
NumericalAnalysis on Different Replacement Forms of Embankment Using Foam Concrete
CHEN Yong-hui;ZHANG Yi-feng;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering;Hohai University;Geotechnical Research institute;Hohai University;National Engineering Research Center of Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Engineering Safety;
NumericalSimulation and Analysis of Road Reconstruction Project in Alar
YANG Liu;RUI Yong-qin;YANG Bao-cun;College of Water Conservancy and Architecture Engineering;Tarim University;School of Resources and Civil Engineering;Northeastern University;
Research on the Causes of Bump at Bridge-head in Highway Traffic
WU Fu-quan;WANG Guo-hua;LIAO Bi-hai;HUANG Yuan-liang;Jiujing Authority of Jiangxi Ganyue Expressway;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
quan zuo zuo ye xing hu tong shi ying xing yan jiu
liu zheng ming ; liao chao hua ;
huo shan rong yan di qu gong lu lu ji she ji yan jiu
li li ; lv fen ;
ji yu shi che ce shi de lu mian jian su dai shi yan xiao guo fen xi
yang zan hua ; zhong min ;
li qing hun ning tu lu mian jiang zao chu li cuo shi yan jiu
xu dao gen ;
shan qu hu ji ruan tu de pao shi lu ji bian xing te xing yan jiu
ning jian gen ; shi zhen ming ; gao yan bin ; li tao ; cai li xin ; cai jin jin ;
Calculation of Stress Increment on External Prestressing Reinforcement for Simply Supported Beam
LI Wei-long;WANG Qi-cai;LI Sheng;LI Jian-xin;College of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Discussion on Standard Calculation Method of Vertical Bearing Capacity for Drilled Socketed Pile
ZHANG Ming-li;SUN Xue-xian;XUE Ke;State Key Laboratory Frozen Soil Engineering;Cold and Arid Region Environmental and Engineering Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Plane Linear Control System of Curved Prestressed Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge
CHEN Long-yu;LIU Shi-zhong;ZHAO Yao-qin;School of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Construction Control Analysis of Integral Lifting for Long Span Steel Box Arch Ribs
YUAN Meng;WANG Wei-feng;LUO Miao-ping;School of Civil Engineering and Transportation;South China University;
FE Model Updating for Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge Based on Parameter Sensibility Analysis
CHEN Yan-jiang;CHENG Yong-huan;LI Yong;LI Xi;Beijing Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit;Beijing University of Technology;Department of Civil Engineering;Tsinghua University;
dan xing ying li pei jin fa zai qiao liang she ji zhong de ying yong
zhang zuo zuo ; ding yin cheng ;
Comparison of Equivalent Linearization Methods for Seismic Design of Base-isolated Bridges
PEI Ming-hai;GUO Hui-qian;LIU Tao;CCCC Highway Consultants Co. Ltd.;Department of Building Engineering;Tongji University;
zhe jiang san men wan da qiao qiao wei feng huan jing shu zhi feng dong mo ni yu fen xi
zhou wei bin ; chen fang dong ; shen xu dong ;
ya lv jiang jie he gong lu da qiao zhu ta shi gong
xu xue xi ; zhang zuo ;
da xuan bi yu ying li hun ning tu jie duan pin zhuang lian xu xiang liang ying yong yan jiu
liu wen xian ; liu yan ; gao kang ping ;
gui zhou qian zhi gong lu liu chong he te da qiao kang feng xing neng yan jiu
zheng xing gui ; yang hong bo ; wang da lei ;
xie la qiao gang xiang liang xuan pin he long shi gong ce liang
feng jun liang ;
chao kuan da mian ji xiang liang shi gong zhi liang kong zhi
tu zhe ; li shuai shuai ;
zhi neng zhang la da xun huan ya jiang shi gong ji shu
yang qian ; chen xiao feng ;
xiao sha wan huang he te da qiao gao di ta jian zhen she ji
xu zhi hong ;
chao da xing shui zhong gong xing gang suo ta an zhuang fang an bi xuan
liu zuo xing ; wei xing yi ; jia wei ;
ya lv jiang jie he gong lu da qiao zhu ta gang mao liang shi gong
xu xue xi ; huo peng gang ; zhang zuo ;
zhi jiang da qiao gang xiang liang gun zhuang shang chuan ji yun shu gu ding
li tao ; shi jin an ; jia wei ;
lian xu gang gou qiao liang shi gong jie duan dan su xing kang zhen xing neng fen xi
zhang hui ling ; zhang bao xing ;
fu zhuo shi zi pa sheng men diao an zhuang suo ta gang jie gou xin ji shu
chen wang sheng ; yang hua guo ; li hong sheng ;
jia shao da qiao zhu hang dao qiao gang xiang liang wu suo qu shi gong fang an bi xuan
li zhi sheng ; luo chao yun ; li jia ming ;
chang hui kou da qiao suo ta yu ying li she ji fen xi
tan ping rong ; song yu liang ; song yu peng ;
da zhi jing chao chang gang guan zhuang mao zhuang fan li jia fa shi yan ji shu yan jiu
luo yong chuan ; zou xiao dan ; hu zhen wei ; tan zuo ;
ji yu sap2000 hun ning tu jie gou gou jian ji zhong su xing jiao de ji suan
xiao zuo ; zhang chao ;
gang - hun die he liang zai jiu qiao gai zao she ji zhong de ying yong
cheng jun rui ; li zhen ;
xia zhang kua hai da qiao jian kang jian ce xi tong ruan jian ping tai she ji
xie meng jun ; yang yi ; xie hao ;
jia pian de jie gou you hua she ji he xing neng shi yan
fei han bing ; wei wei wei ; dan ji an ; ma wei jie ;
tou gao xu zhi
Research on Space of Two Types Crowded Expressway
WU Hao;College of Water Conservancy & Environmental Engineering;Zhengzhou University;
Study of Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Section Safety of Mountainous Highway
ZHOU Chuan-lin;XIE Dong-sheng;Nanjing Communications Institute of Technology Jiangsu;School of Civil Engineering & Architecture;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
huan jing dan diao di qu gong lu jia shi pi lao wai bu zhi yin yu an quan dui ce
zhou jian ; liu qing xia ; chai hua ; li bing ;
Analysis of the Minimum Distance between Tunnel and Interchange Exit of Two-lane Expressway
SUN Ming-ling;ZHAO Yuan;GE Shu-fang;Research Institute of Highway;Ministry of Transport;
Research on Technology of Expressway Meteorological Data Services
SHEN Ping-yue;PAN Ya-ying;LI Jian;ZHOU Yi-ping;Zhejiang Meteorological Service Center;
Reflections and Suggestions on Aseismicity of Transport Lifeline Project based onEarthquake Isolated Island Phenomenon
ZHANG Wen-xue;HUANG Jian;ZHAO Lan-lan;LIU Hai-lu;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Crash Risk Assessment Method for Typical Sections of Rural Roads using Bayesian Network
HU Si-tao;XIANG Qiao-jun;ZHU Yan-ru;School of Transportation;Southeast University;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;
Thermal-mechanical Effect on Properties of Asphalt Mixture of Recycled Aggregate during Heating & Mixing Process
WU Ming;Hangzhou Traffic Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision Bureau;
shu zhi li qing zi wai lao hua shi yan fang fa yan jiu
feng de cheng ; xu zuo ; yi jun yan ;
Curing Performance Test Research of Epoxy Resin Concrete for Repairing the Steel Bridge Deck Pavement
XU Lei;LI Yu-zhi;ZHANG Ping;School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering;Changsha University of Science & Technology;
Test and Analysis on Polyester Fiber Content for Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Concrete
WU Jin-rong;DONG Xiao-hong;MA Qin-yong;Anhui University of Science and Technology;Wistron Kunshan Co. Ltd.;
Test and Research on Mechanical Strength of Emulsified Asphalt Cement-Stabilized Macadam
FU Jia;TAN Zhi-ming;YANG Wu-li;XIE Ling-er;FANG Ji-wei;Key Lab of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education;Tongji University;Ningbo Traffic Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision Station;
Application and Study of Ecological Noise Barrier on the Changsha to Xiangtan Expressway
LI Ding-ce;YE Ying;YANG Fan;ZHOU Zhen-hua;HU Bin;Hunan Communication Science Research Institute;
Research on the Preparation and Properties of Active Snowmelt Emulsion System
DOU Huai-bing;LIU Zhuang-zhuang;CHEN Shuan-fa;XING Ming-liang;School of Material Science and Engineering;Chang’an University;Engineering Research Center of Transportation Materials;Ministry of Education;Chang’an University;
Application of Buried Pipes Snowmelt System with Hot Spring Water on Bridge Deck of SanXi Expressway
FU Zhen;WANG Xuan-cang;LU Kai-quan;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Chang’an University;School of Highway;Chang’an University;Shanghai Municipal Transportation Desigh Institute Limited company;
Reserch on Evalution Index System and Methods for Highway with Low Carbon Emission
WANG Jin;JI Guang;MA Jun;Yunnan Transport Research Institute;Yunnan Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology Center of Traffic and Transportation Industry;
wei xi pao ji shu yu li qing hun ning tu lu mian yang hu de ying yong
cai yi chang ; lai sen rong ; wu zuo qing ;
zhi bei fang hu zai bao tian gao su gong lu lu ji fang hu zhong de ying yong
wei xiao ; xing ai ping ;