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International Journal of Automation and computing
2016 Issue 3
Cooperative Formation Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles:An Overview
Bikramaditya Das;Bidyadhar Subudhi;Bibhuti Bhusan Pati;Department of Electrical Engineering;Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology;Department of Electrical Engineering;National Institute of Technology;
Minimal Gated Unit for Recurrent Neural Networks
Guo-Bing Zhou;Jianxin Wu;Chen-Lin Zhang;Zhi-Hua Zhou;National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology;Nanjing University;
Solving Markov Decision Processes with Downside Risk Adjustment
Abhijit Gosavi;Anish Parulekar;219 Engineering Management Building;Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering;Missouri University of Science and Technology;Axis Bank;
Piecewise Smooth Dynamical Systems Modeling Based on Putzer and Fibonacci-Horner Theorems:DC-DC Converters Case
Abdelkader Khoudiri;Kamel Guesmi;Djillali Mahi;Department of Sciences and Techniques;Djelfa University;CRe STIC;IUT de Troyes;LEDMa SD;Laghouat University;
Modified Moment-based Image Watermarking Method Robust to Cropping Attack
Tian-Rui Zong;Yong Xiang;Suzan Elbadry;Saeid Nahavandi;School of Information Technology;Deakin University;Burwood Campus;Centre for Intelligent Systems Research;Deakin University;Waurn Ponds Campus;
Adaptive NN Dynamic Surface Control for a Class of Uncertain Non-affine Pure-feedback Systems with Unknown Time-delay
Xiao-Qiang Li;Dan Wang;Zhu-Mu Fu;Information Engineering College;Henan University of Science and Technology;Marine Engineering College;Dalian Maritime University;
Robust Self-tuning Control Based on Discrete-time Sliding Mode for Auto-regressive Mathematical Model in the Presence of Unmodelled Dynamics
Nabiha Touijer;Samira Kamoun;Laboratory of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering;National School of Engineering of Sfax;University of Sfax;
Scatter Search Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Earliness/Tardiness Flowshop Scheduling with Uncertainty
Jia-Can Geng;Zhe Cui;Xing-Sheng Gu;Key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Optimization for Chemical Process;Ministry of Education;East China University of Science and Technology;
A Grid-based Graph Data Model for Pedestrian Route Analysis in a Micro-spatial Environment
Yi-Quan Song;Lei Niu;Long He;Rui Wang;College of Urban and Environmental Science;Tianjin Normal University;School of Surveying Engineering;Henan University of Urban Construction;