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International Petroleum Economics
2017 Issue 1
juan shou yu
guo ji shi you jing ji bian ji bu ;
mei guo shou du chu kou lng zhu tui quan qiu tian ran qi shi chang yi ti hua jin cheng
wang xin zhe ;, duan zhao fang ;
The influence of the Paris Agreement on the oil and gas industry
XU Yugao;,BAO Chunli;,WU Zhengwan;
Historic review and the outlook of "petrodollars"
ZHANG Shuai;
Analysis on trade competitiveness of petrochemical industry in main OBOR countries
SUN Zesheng;,WANG Yaoqing;,HU Chuanhai;
xin xi dong tai
jin qi guo ji shi you jia ge hui gu yu yu ce
zhou xiang tong ;