ta ji ke si tan zhong zi zhi wu qu xi fen xi
HUANG Jun-hua;ZHAI Shen-xiu;YAO Yu-xian;DAI Yong-li;SONG Dan-hua;Wumaierxiati TAHAN;College of Forestry and Horticulture;Xinjiang Agricultural University;College of Grassland and Environment Science;Xinjiang Agricultural University;
shu lun ji lu de ji er ji si si tan dong bu guo qu bai nian gan shi bian hua
ZHANG Rui-bo;YUAN Yu-jiang;WEI Wen-shou;HE Qing;SHANG Huang-ming;ZHANG Tong-wen;ERMENBAEV Bakytbek;ZHAO Yong;Institute of Desert Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration;Key Laboratory of Tree-ring Physical and Chemical Research of China Meteorological Administration;Key Laboratory of Tree-ring Ecology of Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region;Institute of Water Problem and Hydropower of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic;
jin 121a lai tu ku man si tan qi wen bian hua te zheng
ZHANG Wen-na;LIU Zhi-hui;YAO Jun-qiang;SHAN XU;WANG YUAN;School of Resources and Environment Science;Xinjiang University;Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Ministry of Education;Xinjiang University;Institute of Arid Ecology and Environment;Xinjiang University;International Center for Desert Affairs-Research on Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Lands;
ha sa ke si tan dong bu shui ti qing yang tong wei su he shui hua xue te zheng
ZENG Hai-ao;WU Jing-lu;LIU Wen;MA Long;Jilili ABUDUWAILI;SAPAROV A.S;State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Soil Science Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture;
ji er ji si si tan xiao mai zu qu xi di li yan jiu
ZHOU Gui-ling;QIU Dong;TUERXUN Maimaitijiang;WU Hong-Qi;HASIMU Dilixiati;ATTOKUROV Aibek;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Grassland Resource and Ecology;College of Pratacultural and Environmental Sciences;College of Forestry and Horticulture;Xinjiang Agricultural University;College Environmental Sciences;Osh Technology University;