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Journal of Guangdong College of Young Cadres
2003 Issue 1
ji yu c/s jie gou de xue sheng guan li xin xi xi tong she ji
zhang xiao jian
On carrying out happy teaching in physical training class
chen shao yu
Thoughts of improving study style in university
xiao xing yan
On style of practical writing
zeng yi ping
Fresh troops of united front formed by new social class
zhang guang fang
New Thinking, New Choice, New Breakthrough
zhuo han rong ; tan jian guang
Social layers in contemporary rural areas
wei jian wen
Civic self-discipline in civic society
zeng xing zuo
Education, social class and social flow
zeng jian peng
New management mode of modern community
zhao ping
Structure and thinking about community volunteers' station
li zhi dong
Youth league's service for employment and reemployment
zhang fei yan
Youth unemployment, causes and solutions
wu sen fu
dian zi tuan wu chu tan
chen wei dong