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Electro-Optic Technology Application
2005 Issue 1
jian wai you er xi tong
Improvement of Synchronizing Signal of Thyristor Trigger Circuit
WANG Hong-yan;WANG jun
C Language Program Design Based on ADSP21060
WANG SHou-hui;HU Bo;CHEN Jing-jun;YANG Kai
Study of Virtual Reality Modeling and Its Implementation
XIA ZHi-xiang
Matlab-based Dynamic Simulation of TV-guided Air-to-Surface Missile
ZHANG Dong-xiang;SHAN Jia-yuan
Hardware Implementation of Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on TMS320C6201
qiu shang bin ; qin xin feng ; li gang
Technology of Pre-processing for Hyperspectral Images
WANG Heng-li;XU Qiang;CHEN Yong-sheng;ZUO Wei
Key Technology of CCD Manufacturing Process
WU Li-fan
Research Development of Microfluidic Fiber Chip
KONG Ling-zhi;ZHANG Jiang-tao;GUO ZHan-zhi
Research on Method of Moment (MOM) of Radar Scattering Section
GENG Fang-zhi;DONG Li-juan;DENG Fa-sheng
Long-Range Passive Jamming Effectiveness Analysis and Simulation
YI Bai-dong;HOU Yan-bei
Application of Solvable Fluorine Rubber in Pyrotechnics
MAO Ming;LIN ZHong-ying;ZHANG Yong-qiang
Study and Application of BEFWM Technology
NING Yong-gang;NIE Jin-song
Analysis and Modification on the Detection Probability of Correlation Detection
Study of Laser IFF System
Ye Yu-dan;WANG Dian-zuo
Summary of Self-Protection System against IR Guided Missile
KONG Ling-chun