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Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics
2008 Issue 6
Generation and Prolongation of FGM Copula
DONG Yong-quan
Criteria for Generalized Strictly Diagonally Dominant Matrices
HE An-qi;LIU Jian-zhou
Newton-global Relaxed Parallel Multisplitting Methods for Nonlinear Equations
ZHANG Li-tao;HUANG Ting-zhu;GU Tong-xiang
The Representation and Structure Characterizations of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers
GONG Zeng-tai;LI Hong-xia;SUN Bing-zhen
The Alignment Space Generated by General Metric Spaces
LU Guo-xiang;SHEN Shi-yi
Geo/Geo/1 Queue with Working Vacations
LIU Ai-yan;TIAN Nai-shuo;GUO Ming-ming
The Expectation Heteroscedastic Mixture Transition Distribution Model-EHMTD
WANG Hong-jun;TIAN Zheng;WANG Hui-zhang
Exact Wave Solutions of Two Higher Order Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with Variable-coefflcients
XU Li-ping;RUAN Miao;ZHANG Jin-liang
A New Coupled Meshless-finite Element Method
LI Jiu-hong;CHENG Yu-min
The Finite Element Methods for Fourth Order Eigenvalue Problems on Anisotropic Meshes
SHI Dong-yang;PENG Yu-cheng
An Inverse Eigenvalue Procedure for Damage Detection in Rods
WANG Zheng-sheng
Double Layer Potential Method for the Spontaneous Well-logging
ZUO Li-hua;CHEN Wei
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Bilevel Programming Problems
LI He-cheng;WANG Yu-ping
On Several Issues in Software Reliability Testing
CAI Kai-yuan;DONG Zhao;LIU Ke