Pitch Angle Optimization of Variable Speed Pitch Control HAWTs
DING Yong-Gang;ZHANG Xing;LI Mei-Zhi;Key Laboratory of Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Tsinghua University;Institute of Solid Mechanics;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Determination on permeability by Pore Pressure Oscillation Method
XUE Hua-Qing;JIANG Pei-Xue;XU Rui-Na;ZHAO Bo;ZHOU Shang-Wen;Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education Department of Thermal Engineering;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory of Unconventional Oil & Gas;Petrochian;Petrochina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Deveiopment-Langfang;
POD Reduced Order Model Based on Vorticity-Stream Function Equations
CHEN Jing-Jing;HAN Dong-Xu;WANG Ye;WANG Yi;YU Bo;National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology;China University of Petrolcum;Key Laboratory of Railway Vehicle Thermal Engineering;Ministry of Education;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology;