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Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
2012 Issue 6
Experimental Investigation on Spectral Thermal Radiation Properties of Optical Quartz at High-Temperature
ZHANG Shun-De~1 XIA Xin-Lin~1 DAI Gui-Long~1 YU Ming-Xing~2 YAN Wei-Xu~2
Experimental Study on Nanosized Contact Point
WANG Jian-Li~ ZHU Jian-Jun~3 ZHANG Xing~3 CHEN Yun-Fei~3
Performance Analysis of the Recycle Section in a Syngas Compressor
DING Liang WANG Tong GU Chuan-Gang
Effect of Metal Foam on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Refrigerant/Oil Mixture Flow Boiling Inside Tubes
HU Hai-Tao ZHU Yu SUN Shuo DING Guo-Liang ZHUANG Da-Wei JING Yao-Long
Transient Flow Characteristic of Cut-Off Valve in Opening-Closing Process
SONG Zhi-Wei CUI Bao-Ling SHANG Zhao-Hui LIN Zhe
Numerical Investigation of the Anisotropic Transport Process Within PEM Fuel Cell
CAO Tao-Feng LIN Hong HE Ya-Ling TAO Wen-Quan
Heat and Mass Transfer Model of Biofouling Formation
CAO Sheng-Xian~1 SUN Jia-Wei~1 LIU Yang~1 ZHANG Yan-Hui~2 YANG Shan-Rang~1 XU Zhi-Mirig~1 ;
Design of a Lean Premixed Syngas Combustor
XING Shuang-Xi~ FANG Ai-Bing~1 SONG Quan-Bin~1 XU Gang~1 NIE Chao-Qun~1
Characteristics of a Novel Autocascade Refrigeration Cycle
WANG Lin TAN Ying-Ying LIANG Kun-Fcng CUI Xiao-Long
Surface Tension Calculation of HCs/HCs and HCs/CO2 Binary Mixtures Based on the Gradient Theory
ZHU Jun-Yue~1 DUAN Yuan-Yuan~1 MIN Qi~2 LIN Hong~3
Prediction of Gaseous Viscosity of Binary HFC Refrigerant Mixtures
SONG Bo WANG Xiao-Po LIU Zhi-Gang
Aerodynamic Design and Numerical Simulation on Flow of a Radial Inflow Steam Turbine
BAI Zong-Liang~ WANG Kai~1 LIN Feng~1 NIE Chao-Qun~1
Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction for Rotating Disk Surface With Spiral Grooves
WEN Su-Ping~1 HU Xiao-Wen~ SHAO Dong~1 XI Guang~1
Research on Resistance Characteristics of Ice Slurry Concentrator
ZHENG Rui-Yun~ SONG Wen-Ji~1 FENG Zi-Ping~1
Off-Design Performance of a Vertical LiBr/H2O Absorption Heat Transformer
GUO Pei-Jun~ SUI Jun~1 JIN Hong-Guang~1
Visualization Study on the Bottom-Water Coning in Large-Scale Cavity of Fracture-Cavernous Reservoirs
WANG Tai LI Hui-Xiong LI Lei CHI Hao-Miao ZHANG Wei-Qiang
Experimental Measurement for the Saturated Vapor Pressure of 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane(R134)
DONG Xue-Qiang~1 GONG Mao-Qiong~1 Guo Hao~ WU Jian-Feng~1
Experimental Study on Cavitation Induced Low Frequency Vibration in a Centrifugal Pump
GAO Bo YANG Min-Guan LI Zhong KANG Can
Measurement of Swirling Turbulent Combustion and NO_x Formation
Pool Boiling Performance of TiO2 Nanotube Surface
LU Shu-Shen LIU Jun-Wei WANG Xiao-Ming CHEN Yue MO Dong-Chuan
Effect of Cold Plate Temperature on Water Droplet Freezing on Hydrophobic Surface
HUANG Ling-Yan~ LIU Zhong-Liang~1 GOU Yu-Jun~ LIU Yao-Min~1
Simulation of Liquid Argon Flow in Micro-Channel by an SPH-MD Coupling Method
LIU Bai-Qi LIU Jie LU Wen-Qiang NI Ming-Jiu
Entropy Analysis of R404A/CO2 Cascade Refrigeration System
LAI Yan-Hua WANG Qing-Wei LU Ming-Xin DONG Zhen PAN Ji-Hong
Physical Analysis of Stretch and Curvature Effects on Premixed Flame
WANG Pei-Yong~ Robert Pitz~2 LI Qiong~3 FENG Tao~1
Investigation on Low Solar Absorptivity of Thermochromic Material for Aerospace Application
FAN De-Song LI Qiang XUAN Yi-Min
Numerical Investigation on Three-Dimensional Complexity Flows in a Wheel of Radial Inflow Turbine
LI Huai-Zhi DENG Qing-Hua FU Lei REN Ping FENG Zhen-Ping
Flow-Jet Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on Micro-Pin-Finned Chips
ZHANG Yong-Hai WEI Jin-Jia GUO Dong
Energy Consumption Analysis of CO2 Capture With CaO and Heat Integration Research
DUAN Li-Qiang ZHANG Su-Hua YANG Yang YANG Yong-Ping
Analysis of Controlling Separated Flow on Cascade by Unsteady Wake
LIU Fei~1 LIU Hui~1 TU Yun-Chong~2 HU Ya-Tao~2 WU Ke-Qi~2
Characteristics of Gas/Liquid Counter-Current Flow in a Reticulate Structure With Uniform Small Channels
DING Yu-Dong LIAO Qiang ZHU Xun WANG Hong
Investigation on Roughness Sensitivity for 21%Relative Thickness Airfoil of Wind Turbine Blade
HUANG Chen-Wu~ YANG Ke~1 LIU Qiang~ BAI Jing-Yan~1 ZHANG Lei~1 XU Jian-Zhong~1
Theoretical Analysis on Gasification Reaction Characteristics of Chinese Coal of High Ash Fusion Temperature
HU Shi-Lei~1 ZHANG Jian~1 ZHANG Zhong-Xiao~1 WU Xiao-Jiang~2 ZHANG Kun~1 AN Hai-Quan~1
Study on Vapor Flow in Capillary Wick Heat Pipes
DUAN Yan-Jun~1 WANG Huan-Guang~1 QU Wei~2
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Fluidized Bed Coal Gasification Based on MP-PIC Method
XIE Jun JIN Bao-Sheng ZHONG Wen-Qi
Micro-Structure and SO2 Adsorption Mechanism of Typical Carbonaceous Materials
SUN Fei GAO Ji-Hui ZHU Yu-Wen QIN Yu-Kun
Effect of Pyrolysis Conditions on Char-CO2 and Char-H2O Gasification
CHEN Chao WANG Jing LIU Wei LUO Guang-Qian ZHANG Sen YIN Jing-Shu YAO Hong
Relationship between Structure and Effective Thermal Conductivity of Silica Aerogel Unit Cell Model
LIU He~1 LI Zeng-Yao~1 HU Zi-Jun~2 TAO Wen-Quan~1
Characterization of Energy State Parameters for Non-Equilibrium Radiation Field
CHEN Ze-Shao1 HU Peng1 MO Song-Ping2 WANG Gang~1
Simulation of He Plumes and CH4/H2/N2Flames With One Dimensional Turbulence Model
QIU Xiao-Long VVU Yu-Xin ZHANG Hai LU Jun-Fu
Heat Transfer Enhancement of a High Temperature Air Heating Furnace
WANG Yan BAI Feng-Wu WANG Zhi-Fcng
Experimental Study of Surface Temperature Distribution in Dropwise Condensation at Low Pressure
MA Xue-Hu WEN Rong-Fu LAN Zhong ZHANG Chong-Feng WANG Si-Fang PENG Ben-Li
Radiation and Kinetic Effects on the Ignition of H2/Air/CO2 Mixtures
ZHANG Wei-Kuo~1 CHEN Zheng~1 KONG Wen-Jun~2