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Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
2002 Issue 2
tan da xue ying yu fan du jiao xue
lei ming
shu xue zai fa lv jiao xue zhong de ying yong
he wan li
Synthesis of polymeric dyes and their application
peng yong gang ; zhao zhen he ; zuo ye mei
Research on application of CAI system based on knowledge point
xin da xin ; wang chang yuan ; guo jun cang
The plan and construction of network accounting management
xue wen sheng ; zhang cheng xian
Study on Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) of photography system
liu han chen ; tang yuan he
Pricing formula of derivative security depend on several state variables
rong yue tang ; xue hong
The strategy of synchronousoptimizing algorithm based on penalty field
mei jia bin ; guo wen xiu
A degree condition for graphs to have [a,b]-factors
li jian xiang
Bellman inequalities of generalized matrix trace
wang lie ; cao huai xin
An application of Groebner basis in graded algebras
wei feng zuo ; ma ying cang
An algebraic problem and its application
gao jun zuo
A fresh method to construct high order resilient function and its nonlinearity optimize over the field GF(2)
gan quan ; wei yong zhuang ; gao jun tao
The general quadratic Gauss sums and it's fourth power mean
yao wei li
On the counting function of Lucas sequences
wang wei qiong
Some properties of frames in a Hilbert space
gao yang en