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Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
2002 Issue 1
An inquiry into the nature of CET band IV
he yan bao
ying yu jiao xue yu su zhi jiao yu
gao ju xia
Analysis on emphasizing methodology in English sentences
hu wei hua ; bao chong de
The development and practical applications of Hall effect
zhang hui yun
Fourier analytics for Fraunhofor diffraction by a circular aperture
liu zhong kui ; huang hai qing
Two new formulas about residue calculation
lei xue qin
A wavelet express of stochastic process
xia xue wen ; xie fu rong
The completeness for extensive convex space
jiang jin song
The development, improvement and application of FRY clothing thermal property apparatus
fu wei gang ; ma feng ; ma bao ke ; di xue jun
Study of synthesis of a novel thickening agent XF and its thickening properties
zhao zhen he ; zhang gao qi
Necessary and sufficiate conditions for Benson proper solution in vector optimization
zhang gai ying ; jia ji hong ; wang chun ling ; zhao dong tao
On some identities for Laguerre's polynomials
liu duan sen ; li chao
On the mean value of divisor function for square complements
zhang hong li ; wang yang
On the Cochrane sum and its an identity
liu hong yan ; tang ping