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Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
2000 Issue 2
A demonstration on the infinite nature of twin prime numbers
LI Hong-qi
yue du jiao xue yu ying mei wen hua zhi shi de jie ru
wang jin
huo er xiao ying yan shi yi de zhi zuo
zhou rong ming ; jin ruo peng ; wu mei ping
wu li shi yan ke kao shi fang fa de tan tao
pan yuan ; wei jun bo ; zhang hui yun
Study on the hydrolysis-acidification process treating tannery eastewater
cheng gang ; tong zhi ; chen yang ; xu bing ; cui shuang ke
Accurate calculation to the rate constant of the acetic ether saponification
CHEN Xiao-li;LI Guo-wei
The theoretical circuit,gain and selectivity of the regenerative frequency converter
LUAN Bao-ji;ZHANG Chun-min
A study on the handle of natural fiber like fabric with fuzzy cluster analysis
LI Xiang-lu;ZONG Ya-nin;WANG Qing
On the fourth power mean of the general quadratic Gauss sums
ZHANG Wen-peng
On the analytic property of local resolvent
LI Shao-kuan
Boundary element analysis for a class of periodical parabolic equation
LI Bing-jie;JI Li-Peng;SUN sun
A coefficient inequality of subordinary function
ZHANG Yu-ping