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Flight Dynamics
2015 Issue 4
Calculation and analysis on cruising performance of civil aircraft
WEN Rui-ying;WEI Zhi-qiang;WANG Hong-yong;HAN Bo;College of Air Traffic Management;Civil Aviation University of China;
Analysis of longitudinal stability and aerodynamic characteristics in wing sliding-morphing process
LI Duo;HONG Guan-xin;School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering;BUAA;
Unsteady aerodynamic modelling based fly-wing configuration at high AOA
WANG Ke;LIU Chao;College of Flight Technology;CAFUC;College of Aerospace Engineering;NUAA;
Simulation of small fixed-wing aircraft flight dynamics
CHEN Wei-dong;NING Lei;LIU Miao-qun;WU Xian-de;WANG Chao-liang;College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;Key Laboratory of Quantitative Remote Sensing Information Technology;CAS;
Study of the influence of dynamic stall on helicopter trimming characteristics
LIU Quan;HU Guo-cai;XU Guang;Department of Airborne Vehicle Engineering;NAAU;
Research on UAV ground handled steering characteristics analysis and calculation methods
QIU Dong-hai;MA Wu-yuan;DUAN Zhen;ZHOU Ling;JIA Hong-guang;YANG Hong-bo;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Aircraft dropped gust alleviation LQR control under ground effect
TAO Guo-wen;SUN Xiu-xia;LIU Shu-guang;LIANG Shuai;FU Qiang;Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College;AFEU;
Neutral speed stability control law design of aircraft based on fractional order PI~λD~μ
WANG Hai-tao;DONG Xin-min;ZHOU Qian;CHENG Jian-feng;WANG Zhe;Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College;Air Force Engineering University;AVIC Nanjing Electrical and Hydraulilc Engineering Research Center;Department of Theory Training;Airforce Xi’an Flying College;
Design and simulation of automatic protection control law for large aircraft flaps and slats
ZHU Yan;WANG Bo;AN Gang;GAO Ya-kui;Department of Flight Control Laws;AVIC Xi’an Aircraft Design Institute;
Disturbance observer-based robust trajectory tracking control for a quadrotor UAV
YANG Liu;LIU Jin-kun;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering;BUAA;
Set membership identification of a quadrotor based on differential evolution and vector regression
FANG Xu;LIU Jin-kun;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering;BUAA;
UAV path planning based on weighted-Voronoi diagram
NIE Jun-lan;ZHANG Qing-jie;WANG Yan-fen;School of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;Key Laboratory for Computer Virtual Technology and System Integration of Hebei Province;Yanshan University;
Aerodynamic and layout integration optimization design for hypersonic vehicle
WANG Ruo-bing;GU Liang-xian;School of Astronautics;NWPU;
Design of nonlinear robust sliding model terminal guidance law based on SDRE
ZHU Zhan-xia;MA Yan;MAO Zheng-yang;TANG Bi-wei;School of Astronautics;Northwestern Polytechnical University;National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics;
Precision analysis of GHQF and its application in integrated navigation
MU Rong-jun;LIANG Hao;PANG Bao-jun;CUI Nai-gang;School of Astronautics;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Flight test driving method of post stall maneuver based on flight simulation
YANG Ting-jian;Department of Science and Technology;CFTE;
Effect of ridge ice on aileron hinge moment of Y-8 aircraft
SHI Gang;AVIC Aircraft Accident Investigation and Research Center;
Test-based study on verification model of detection rate in flight test phase
FENG Kang;Flight Department;CFTE;
Research of engineering application for active control of helicopter structure responses
ZHANG Yong-xiao;LI Qiang;Department of Flight Control;AVIC Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute;
Optimal consensus algorithm for obstacle avoidance based on dynamic potential field
SUN Jing-liang;LIU Chun-sheng;SHI Hao-ming;College of Automation Engineering;NUAA;
Research of UAVs’ attack strategy under uncertain condition
QU Xiao-bo;ZHANG Wei-guo;WANG Xiao-guang;College of Automation;Northwestern Polytechnical University;